Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Well I had my checkup today and all doc did was feel my uterus and we listened to the heartbeat for the first time!! That was awesome!!
Afterwards I went to a few stores and would you believe that half the traffic lights on my side of town were out!!! that was very annoying-but I managed to squeeze in lunch (chili cheese dog and watermelon slush) and now I am relaxing while the clothes wash.
swim suit?!
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Today has been a great day so far . . . . I got up at 7:15 and one of my good friends dropped off her Daughter (meagan) at 8. We made breakfast, watched a little TV….THEN I TRIED ON MY SWIMSUITS FROM LAST SUMMERÂ Okay there was no way I was wearing any of THOSE in public. The whole point of Meagan coming over was so we could go to the pool…..
SO off to the mall we went…I got stuff from Motherhood
We then went to the pool and had fun, came home and ate and then I took her hom! The shorts were in a coral color — NOT BLACK!
Susan left
Monday, June 07, 2004
My Sister left. . . the visit was short and sweet! She brought her husband and two boys.
She got in late Saturday night (DH and I swam ALL DAY Saturday) and we all stayed up until around midnight — – DH wasn’t home so I was in bed watching TV until around 1. He got home at 3. . . he was fixing my laptop at Josh’s.
We went back to the Pool Sunday with the kids and stayed for a few hours…. I’m getting a bit of a TAN so hopefully it sticks.(I don’t usually keep a tan — it just fades)
After we got home and ready we went out to eat and Garry (BIL) treated.
They left about 2 this afternoon
2nd Tri?!
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
I think I am officially in my 2nd Trimester!! YAY! 13 weeks!
Saturday, June 19, 2004
We closed on the house so its finally gone!
Today was a mess…I ended up mad at Charlie because he thought I was nuts for wanting to start picking up everyday things like diapers (I only want to get a pack or two a month or so until I get closer than a pack or so a week) ANYWAYS he thought I was nuts and made be burst into tears in the store .. crazy pg lady that I am… well I was annoyed with him for about 2-3 hours and finally forgave him, after all tomorrow is his first unofficial fathers day!
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
15 weeks already?
I read somewhere that baby can’t register what is being said but s/he can hear this week!!
In other news. I am pretty down right now!! We cant find my HANDLES!!! I really need those for inaccessible places — we’ve looked EVERYWHERE
Saturday, June 26, 2004
I am up 6-7.5 lbs at fifteen weeks …
I was 111 -112 and now I am up 118-118.5
I’m only buying small maternity right now- – even with the belly in the dressing rooms — I have PLENTY of room in the smalls – – except some of the teeny shirts that I can wear not pg . . .those wont fit when I am bigger than the dressing room belly …
Guess what?~ My husband almost smashed my head today. He was helping me in the dressing room and sometimes its easier for someone to help me get my pants up –( imagine pulling pants up sitting down and not being able to lift your legs to pull them up , so see why I get help sometimes??)
Anyways he was helping me and lifted a little to much on my pants and I swung forward and smashed my head into the mirror. Thankfully there was something there to keep me in the chair so I didnt spill on the floor.
We should know who BUMP is really soon!
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
July 27 is my BIG day!!
Oh no!
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
My wheelchair cushion got a huge hole in it so DH has now tried a second thing to fix it – – – I need to order a new one but they are $350 but I have to have it because I can’t be on my chair without it. Well Anyways he used an old pool float, crazy glue and goop – – its covered anyways so you can’t see the ugly stuff.
I had a girls night.
Friday, July 16, 2004
Girls night IN was fun — someone told me I was HUGEÂ — I kinda flipped and said “WHERE?? MY belly is virtually still flat!!!!!!!”
She got a little red and said ” NO I mean your boobs”
concerns and rambles on c-section
Sunday, July 25, 2004
I am having a C-section and cant have an epidural and dont want general anaesthesia
A little background —
I am a L1,2 Paraplegic with rods from around L4 up to my bra line, so T5 or 6ish???!
Feeling doesnt stop at the belly button COMPLETLY but it starts to fade at the belly button. Even though I can’t feel touches to the skin I can feel deep right up to my pubic bone. TMI but I cannot feel sex.
I do not want to go under general anaesthesia unless I REALLY MUST!! I do know I cant have an epidural due to the Spinal Cord Injury.
WHat other anaesthesia are out there for me that I can know about ahead of time and ask for so they dont do general….
I want to be awake when they do my C-section so DH can be in there and so I can see my baby right away instead of waiting in recovery.
I have been under general several times and come out quicky but I dont want to wait at all!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 25, 2004
My friend Tiffany had her baby, girl!!! Her little girl was 7lbs; 9oz and 19.5 inches — she was born at 12:20 PM!!
It a . . .
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
We had our BIG U/S today and we are 75% sure it’s a GIRL!!
The coffee didnt really work – – and the doctor saw 2 lines that he is ALMOST positive are the labia!! There was definitly NOT a penis or scrotum. anywhere in sight . . And he said we are going to say girl, he wrote down that I am having a girl and he is now going call baby her/she and do another U/S in 8 weeks to be certain . . . and reassure CHarlie before he spends hours painting pink stripes .
In case anyone is curious, she’s lying completly across me . .. head somewhere under left boob, butt under right boob and feet between my ribs ; thank god i havent felt it!! (obviously not as high as my boob just where in my belly she is in relation)
Anyways as far as clothes, I was good today and only bought one little OshKosh outfit for spring.
I enjoy reading your site. I am also in a wheelchair, but being an old lady-funny I didn’t think I was an old lady- I have a power chair. I have arthritis and my joints are sort of worn out. Shoulders are more
important than you’d think. Be careful!
Nice to meet you Bess. How long have you been in a chair?
I have been enjoying your blog and ignoring my dinner (not so interesting). Like the previous person, I am older and my wheelchair was stroke related. My eldest daughter is your age, my youngest 33. They have been our lifeline through this! My first stroke was in Dec. 2010. Then my DH had a major brain bleed 2.5 years later that left him with neither speech nor mobility. He didn’t know his own name for several months. He is doing much better now and we have moved to a retirement community with meals and nursing. Then six weeks ago, I had a second stroke and have to learn to transfer and move all over again. I know things could be much worse but this is my five minute pity party for today. I have only been home from hospital so I’m weary and rebelling at calling the nurse even though a bathroom break is needed. My hubby and I have matching mobility chairs that work really well for us. I wont be starting a blog, my life is too dull. We are a contented nerdy couple, married almost forty years. Thank you for sharing your blog, it is real, honest and a good kick-in-the pants for some.
It’s nice to meet you. Thank your for saying hello. I’m happy (I think!?) to hear I am more interesting than dinner!! 🙂