Ooooooooooh where did you get that?!? I've been looking for something Kaleb can hold on to and push around. That is perfect!
He is so adorable! Agh they are so squeezable at this age!
I got it from a neighbor. But I did get him a push toy at Target. . .IT's called the learning band walker. . . and there is a eating hippo thing by pickablocks. 😀
Ooooooooooh where did you get that?!? I've been looking for something Kaleb can hold on to and push around. That is perfect!
He is so adorable! Agh they are so squeezable at this age!
I got it from a neighbor. But I did get him a push toy at Target. . .IT's called the learning band walker. . . and there is a eating hippo thing by pickablocks. 😀