The Wheelchair Mommy now has her very own blog for talking about WHATEVER she wants!! YAY!!
Before, I had my “family” blog (which you can see here), which is GREAT. However, sometimes you want to talk about things that aren’t quite suitable for THAT blog so now I have two. (Family blog means my FIL reads it…..)
I will still keep both up to date on my wild little men, but I can be ME, here . .. as opposed to Will and Lucas’ Mom, there.
All that being said, if you are family and reading this you are COMPLETELY welcome. . . just keep in mind this is MY blog. You may read things you don’t want to read. If you want to play it safe I suggest you just stick with the Hedlin blog. ANYTHING important about the boys will be kept in both places. FLuff will be here.
I do plan to bring the posts from there over here for all to see … but the export file is giving us problems so we are working on it. (That means DH/Charlie has to do it and he doesn’t really have time right now.) (“we” frequently means just him, but I like to sound like I know what I am talking about, when in FACT the only thing I do is write the posts and pages and make the blog pretty…he makes sure that I didnt screw up the code or google rankings, etc.)
Looking forward to reading more…in my reader you go~