All I have today is a question. My ever so inquiring mind must know YOUR answer so please be sure to let me know.
Toys. LOUD toys. Toys that make noise. Lots of noise.
What’s your tolerance for them? We are all different, I know, so please share.
Me? I’m pretty thick skinned. I can tune out ANY toy, if it’s entertaining my kid. It can go on for hours (not that it REALLY does no matter what we try and convince ourselves of … no kid plays with one toy for that long 😉 )
So what about you? Do noisy toys get under your skin or do you take one for the team?
Hate hate hate them. He has a few, but they (thankfully) are outside toys so far. The worst is when the batteries start to die and they sound like the devil from under your couch. Good times.
My little man is only 14 months so I don’t think I’ve gotten to the point where they drive me crazy yet. It makes me happy to see him playing with his toys. It’s a relief to have him doing something for a few minutes so that I can have a moment to myself, ha!
I am fine with them. Ryan is 14 months and Haleigh is 3 1/2 so I have definately had my fair share of loud toys. As long as he is not attatched to my leg it is allllll good. I am quite tolerant of them. I actually find joy in them too…my joy is he is happy and having fun on his own.
I hate it. I can’t stand it. I have no endurance for it.
But sounds and lights really bother me.