I haven’t done these in a while … but here are some funny things Will has said lately
—- We were at the mall and he saw SUBWAY — he said “Mommy, that’s subway. Where you get what you want.” — um, TIVO isn’t doing it’s job
—-I have this callapsable vegetable steamer. Will wanted to know what it was. I opened it and closed it back. He said “oooh cool!! It transforms!!”
Edited to add:
He corrected me. Subway is where you get exactly what you ask for.
Another add:
On top of that he looks out for his brother. He has been earning money wth “helper dots” and had money various people gave him in an envelope. He had enough dots to buy a toy today and I told him to just put the cash (maybe $6) in his piggy bank. Just now he said he was going to go put it in Lucas’ piggy bank because he doesnt have very much money. How sweet is that?!!
I just love the things that kids say, too cute.
that is precious that he wanted to give it to his brother!! children do say the sweetest things!
I love these!