(there are zero links to other bloggers or pictures in this post … I’ll get to that tomorrow)
Kerri Jackson if you are going to read this … don’t be too harsh. I only added a few things I forgot but haven’t “cleaned it up”. *wink*
tIn all honesty, the best thing about Bloggy boot camp was meeting SO MANY fantastic women. Not bloggers. Other women. Moms, sisters, wives, daughters. Women. That’s what it all boils down to. Family and Friends.
There was a TON of fantastic talk about scheduling, SEO optimization, privacy, photography, working with brands, deciding what YOUR brand is and pure luck. It wasn’t all new for me but it refreshed my memory and has caused me to sit back and think. Again.
I mentioned all this in my ABOUT ME page but here it is. Again. I started a website back in 1999/2000. That was long before I knew what “blogging” was. I wanted a place to put down my thoughts and meet other people. If that happened. It was cool to see my site counter grow. (even thought I think half of it was ME) I had no idea who was visiting me but people knew me. That website has since been lost in cyberspace. I’ve tried searching for the archives and have failed.
Then I got married and my husband had a personal domain. I took that over withe wedding pictures and our wedding story. (crap. I need to find that and share it here. . .. Ooooops)
Along came baby. All along I documented my pregnancy in a pregnancy forum journal but wanted something I could update easily and that wasn’t private, only visible to forum subscribers…
I found babyjellybeans but that was really pricey. I wanted THAT, but on our server. A friend told me about LiveJournal and someone there told me about blogspot and then I found wordpress.
I’ve been blogging on wordpress for several years now.
It was about 2-3 years ago that I discovered so many other people do this. Who would have known. I was busy taking care of my son and keeping an online journal for him that I didn’t know that many others did it too. I guess part of the problem was I never got but one or two random comments from people that I already knew.
My comment numbers and views are still pretty low. That’s ok. I follow who I want when I can and I assume others do the same.
I realized that I MIGHT want to work with a company someday if the right one comes along. I would LOVE to speak to other bloggers, some day, about why I blog, but I’m not going to make it my priority. I wouldn’t complain if I became as BIG as some of the BIG SHOTS, but that’s not what drives me to blog. It’s NOT the numbers.
My kids do. I don’t really want that to change because this is FOR THEM. It’s for my grandkids. It’s for me.
That’s it.
I don’t mind sharing it but the bottom line is that I do it for me.
I love you! Love the comment lead you have on here! Thanks for being my roomie! I almost called you to come and rescue me – my car broke down *again* on the way home. What a weekend! Thanks for a fun dinner and morning chat!
Rachel´s last blog post ..Fantastic Friday- Fingers- Faces and Feelings
Yes!!! You should have called me!! I love you too!! You are totally awesome and your sweet little one was just darling! THANK YOU, for sharing!!
I've been reading through all the posts from Bloggy Boot Camp and I just have to say that you won me over with this post. I blog for the exact same reason, but sometimes I think too much about certain posts and then choose to delete or save them.
I really loved this post! 🙂
Leslie Limon´s last blog post ..Its good to be back
I read it. I love it. And you are spot on.
Write because you have words in your head. Write because it’s a memory book. Write because it keeps you from stabbing people. Just write.
If anything else comes of it, super. If not, look what you have made for yourself! It’s worth far more than a paycheck.
I’m so glad you felt connected to other women at the conference. That’s always the best part.
Kerri´s last blog post ..Austin Bound
You’re such a sweetheart! I am so glad I got to meet you Saturday!
I am right there with you. The numbers excite me when I have them, but when I don’t I simply carry on with what I want to do. The way I want to do it! As with most things, there is not a magical formula to apply in order to be successful. For me “successful” simply means doing this for as long as I enjoy it. I benefit from it in many ways. That is all the success I need.
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wohnzimmer neu einrichten ideen´s last blog post ..wohnzimmer neu einrichten ideen