We have been remodeling and redecorating our master bathroom since we moved in. We have had many things come up and get in the way of the project so we are still working on it. That’s okay. It’ll be perfect when we are all done.
Not a great picture but MY BOYS!!! They just love riding with the top down.
Who doesn’t LOVE The Chipmunks?
I cheated and took tomorrow’s tonight … these are way too yummy looking and I had to photograph them and well…..we plan to devour them for breakfast 🙂
I'd love to see all the things you are picking for your bathroom!! FUN!! Will told us all about the Home Depot trip and picking tile, too funny! Those muffins AND those little boys looks pretty scrumptious!!
Your kids are so cute, they look like they're having a party in the back of the car, lol.
Those banana muffins look delish, can I get the recipe? I've been wanting to do something with the ripe bananas my kids constantly leave after they nag the hell out of me to buy so many bananas. You'd think I'd learn!!