Green Light Ahead by daveynin, on Flickr
When I had Lucas I had a placental abruption and almost had a uterine rupture. They repaired it and then I was advised not to get pregnant again. Ever. It wasn’t safe.
I was devastated. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I had 2 healthy boys but I didn’t want my family to be finished. Yes, I was blessed and had more than most women but that didn’t change that I wanted my family to keep growing.
We decided to go see a high risk specialist. That’s why I was so nervous and scared. I was afraid he was going to agree with my doctor and that would be that.
Well. That is not what he said. He said – yes it there were several little things we had to watch for but non of them were things we couldn’t catch early, control or do something about. So. YAY!
I am so happy to know that I can have one more baby. That will be enough. I can decide now, that 3 is enough. There is just something about being told you can’t or shouldn’t do something that drives me up the wall.
My paralysis is enough. I can’t walk. That can’t be changed. This is something I can control. I can decide when I want to be done and when I don’t! That is a good feeling.
Now we decide WHEN to try. Not yet. 🙂
That is GREAT news!!! Good luck and keep us posted. (((Hug)))
.-= joel´s last blog ..the minivan, the quick nap & the cop who nabbed me. =-.
Great news for you! let me know…… 🙂 Muah!!.
I'm so happy for you, P!! Congrats!
Congrats! Best of luck to you guys!!!
That is great news. I'll live vicariously through you with a new little one. I love wee ones but I'm pretty sure I'm done. Anyway, when you do become preggers again, you know I'll be close by if you need a hand with anything. 🙂