We were at the grocery store on Sunday (H-E-B if you are from Texas) and we made our way around to the soft drinks. I’ve had Hansen’s Cherry Vanilla soda on my shopping list for about 4 months but I’ve been to lazy to go to Sprouts just for one thing so it sits on my shopping list. Anyways, I was hoping they had it since the last time we were there, they had a variety of Diet Hansen stuff. They didn’t have my desire but they had some non diet. I didn’t get any, in case you are wondering.
I guess this is probably confusing you since the title of my post is Dr. Pepper 10. We made our way around the soft drink isle corner and Charlie saw it. He said he’d read about it and wanted to try it. I was game. How could I refuse trying something that is only being sold in 6 cities?
I opened one when we got in the parking lot and my first impression is that it TASTE like Dr. Pepper. That’s a good thing. However, it does have an after taste. The after taste isn’t as bad as the diet version but it was there. I took another sip. When the drink went into my mouth the after taste was gone and the DP taste was back. Then I swallowed again. The after taste was back.
Charlie tried it and said he didn’t think he’d buy it again but wouldn’t make a final decision until trying it cold.
We tried it cold. It was a little better, the after taste wasn’t as powerful. I just really dislike that artificial sweetener taste. I’m not entirely sold, but I do think I would highly recommend it to anyone that wants a better diet Dr. Pepper. I’d pick this 100 times over any “diet” drink.
I guess that’s partly the problem when someone that doesn’t drink diet soda, EVER, tries to review a diet soda. (for all practical purposes this is a diet soda).
In conclusion, I will drink this again. This will NOT replace Dr. Pepper. I think this is a really great drink for diet drinkers and should DEFINITELY stay on the market!!!
This review was own done by me because I wanted to. Dr. Pepper doesn’t know me and I paid full price for that 12 pack. IT WAS NOT EVEN ON SALE. I did not get anything out of this review other than a picture that is reflecting far too much light from the window.
I switched to Diet Dr Pepper 2 years ago. I think it tastes like regular Dr. P but I haven’t tried the Dr Pepper 10. Cool photo though!
Elizabeth´s last blog post ..Conversations with Charlie – Superheroes Go on Vacation
I used to guzzle regular Dr. Pepper….I gave it up a few months ago.
If I ever get a craving, I may try this stuff. I have not been one to drink Diet…because of the aftertaste. Thanks for the review!
Always good to check in with you!
Kat´s last blog post ..Under the Trellis- March