Someone asked if I was doing kick counts. I’m not. I know. That’s bad. Right?
Ok. Well, I’m not doing REAL counts. I am paying attention to when I expect Nathan to be kicking. In fact he’s kicking my lap top RIGHT NOW.
He tends to go crazy when I am sitting still or on the couch. It’s enough to be enjoyably annoying. You other moms know what I mean right? When baby kicks JUST enough and in just enough of a pattern that it’s gets to be like Chinese water torture, but you love it anyways? Yeah, that is what enjoyably annoying is.
I am LOVING all the movement though. This little man wiggles and squirms in ways that William and Lucas never did. Does that mean I am in big trouble when he gets here?
The ultrasound tech said it has a lot of to do with implantation and that since he’s in the back and the others (or at least Lucas) were in the front, I would definitely be feeling him more. Interesting.
We are scheduled to deliver on June 29th at 7:30. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30. That’s in the morning people. A.M.
My peri keeps reminding me that I can do an amnio at 36 and deliver earlier if lungs are mature. As of right now, I do NOT want to go that route.
I have started noticing that I contract (braxton hicks) when I do a transfer. If it gets intense I may change my mind. Here are some ultrasound pictures. Next week I will show you some belly progress pictures.
His mouth is open in this one (he was a thirsty boy – YUCK, as the tech said!! LOL)
What a little sweetheart! Totally worth getting kicked black and blue and being in the hospital by 5:30 AM (yikes) for! 🙂
Mrs. Jen B´s last blog post ..I Probably Hate You
I LOVE ultrasound pictures….I had such a complicated pregnancy that I got to have at least one a month. I watched Jacob grow for 12 weeks on…it was awesome!
That profile shot is awesome! I still miss feeling that movement- I loved being pregnant!
dandy´s last blog post ..Carrot & Parsnip Puree