(star from my OLD digi scrap stash (KariQ????)
Will wears his school clothes to bed. There. I said it.
If fact, more than half the time I don’t have to get up at all. Charlie takes Will to school and if Lucas is still asleep there is no real need for me to get up. I’m very grateful to have a husband that lets me do this.
Do you have any morning cheats or shortcuts? Does your husband help?
Hey, I’d wear my clothes to bed but sadly I don’t wear comfortable enough clothes!
Megan (Best of Fates)´s last blog post ..Metro Drivers Are Most Likely Pirates What To See in DC
So would I !!! That and MY clothes wrinkle 😀
That’s awesome!
I don’t have any morning shortcuts yet, but I need some!! Getting two kids up and fed and ready to go anywhere takes hours…
Rachel @ Grasping for Objectivity´s last blog post ..A Late National Delurking Day- and Ask Rachel…Most Things
We don’t have kids yet, so I get to be spoiled…my husband gets up and makes coffee for me, and carries my bag to the car…and he takes me to work in the winter even though its close enough to walk, because he knows I’m so scared of the ice after breaking my arm a few years ago! I’m spoiled rotten. lol
Honey B.´s last blog post ..What’s the Plan- Stan