I met Rachel at Bloggy Boot Camp – Austin, back in October. We were actually roomies. 🙂 She is just as sweet as can be and her little girl was precious. She carried her around in the most beautiful wrap. Today she tells us how she makes them!! (and how YOU can too)
Please make sure you stop by and visit Rachel on her awesome Preschool Activities Blog.
How to Make a Moby Wrap.
Would you love to have several beautiful Moby wraps but find that they are just too expensive?-They are super, super easy to make! All you need are scissors and the ability to cut fabric in a straight line. Its really that simple! The secret to a comfy wrap is the fabric. You’ll want to look for fabric that is “interlock” this basically means that it is a stretchy, knitted fabric that is made in such a way that the edges do not fray. As the edges of the fabric don’t fray, this wrap does not require any sewing skills in order to create it. Really, it is incredibly simple!
How to make your own moby wrap:
You’ll want to get 5-6 yards of interlock fabric. Each batch of fabric can create 2-3 wraps.  You will want to cut your fabric into long strips. I folded the fabric like a hotdog. The width of each strip needs to be a minimum of 16 inches wide (I have some as wide as 25 inches – but they are more bulky). I laid my fabric out on our couch to help contain the yardage as I cut them. Viola! You now have 2-3 moby wraps!..
How to wrap your baby:
You can see Rachel’s Original post HERE on her awesome Preschool Activities Blog.
This is so cool. I wish I had been this creative and known how to make this when my girls were babies.