When you decide to homeschool, you spend hours, no DAYS pouring over curriculum choices. Comparing. Reviewing. Sampling. Reading.
You pick something and you love it and it works. Sometimes you pick something and it doesn’t. That’s not quite what happened to us.
We picked something and we loved it and it worked, but then things changed and we needed to change some more.
Last year, William (oldest), was the only child in school. Lucas was 4 and in preschool 2 days a week so we didn’t do much else.
This year he started kindergarten and I have struggled so much with finding that new balance. Will and I originally continued with the same curriculum and for some reason just felt ho-hum about it. We loved it but we just felt stuck in a rut. It wasn’t really that easy for Lucas to follow, he got bored easily and I felt like our school day was lasting ALL day. Maybe I wasn’t being strict enough? The boys would complain about who should go first and there were constant request to watch TV or play on the iPad.
Oh and Nathan? Nathan is very much 2 and I was on the verge of sending him to preschool. My baby. I was going to get him out of my hair so I could focus.
I found a little bit of respite when I took away the iPad Monday-Friday morning.
Things weren’t really getting any better. We still weren’t making it to park days. I need a TOTAL change.
When a fellow Tae Kwon Do and homeschool mom was telling someone else about Classical Conversations, I was intrigued.
It’s not 100% complete, you still need to add math and dig deeper into what you are studying that week but so far it’s fabulous.
I went to visit a group that had openings and everyone feel in love.
We meet one day a week from 9-12.
Lucas has his group and Will has his.
Nathan has his, too!
Afterwards, we eat lunch as a group.
Perfection. I think. So far we love it, but we’ve only attended 3 weeks worth and the group is currently on winter break.
That doesn’t mean WE are on break, of course.
Will also attends a grammar and writing class for 9-12 year olds that seems fairly intense. They meet the same day as the other group, but from 1-3. He is learning things I didn’t learn until jr. high or high school.
So that’s where we are. We are playing catch up with the part of the program we missed and we are trying to find the best way to expand on all the history and science.
I know this post seems all over the place, but it’s not really a curriculum I can describe without actually showing you.
There’s a lot of memory work and surprisingly my (almost) 9 year old loves it, even the silly music it’s all set to.
I will definitely post more in the future.
If you have ANY questions, PLEASE ask. Maybe it will help me explain the curriculum a little better. 🙂
How old was your son when you started CC. I am knew to Homeschooling and am really attracted to CC but I am concerned that she will be in 5th grade and feel behind in CC. Just thought you might have some thoughts on this.
He’s “officially” in 3rd grade. I knew several other families that started and their kids were in 5th grade. They only got one year in Foundations and Essentials before moving on to Challenge. They did have to work and focus to “catch up” but their kids really shined and are eager for their new adventure. I think if your child is willing to work hard, you;d do just fine. Send me an email and I can connect you with 1-2 of the moms that actually did what it is you are wanting to do! 🙂 I think they may be more helpful than I am.