I don’t really have a rant today, especially with everything going on in Oklahoma. I have everything to be grateful for and more.
So, instead of following Jenni’s suggestion and rant about something, I’m going to share a funny and direct you to my FAQs.
A dear friend of mine brought it to my attention that my blog was flagged as an “adult site”. One of HER friends saw me in her FB feed and thought he’d check me out. Check my blog out. NOT me. Sheesh.
Anyways, whatever content filtering his office is using flagged me as something I’m not. I found this quite troublesome.
I’m a mom. I have 3 kids. I don’t talk about sex and I don’t talk about …. oh, crap. I DO talk about the S word in my FAQs
.I thought that might be the culprit so I started rattling them off to my husband and turned beet red at what I had written. I COMPLETELY forgot I added that racy stuff to my answers.
I read 50 Shades a bit ago (don’t judge) and I let it influence my answers just a tad. I wanted to be funny and a smart @$$. Ooops.
My darling husband is going to see what he can do to have me taken off that “list”. After all, it is JUST on my FAQs PAGE and it does warn you that it’s an UNCENSORED look at my paralysis.

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