Jenni’s challenge for the day is to issue a public apology. Serious. Funny. Sarcastic. Whatever.
I’m going to go with funny. Just so we are clear. I rarely write “humor” so here goes. 🙂

So… 1 wheelchair, 1 stroller and 3 boys are all crammed in a bathroom stall. A mom with one pristine little girl come into the bathroom and she really needs the potty but I’m using it and have been for the last 10 minutes or so. This is my public apology if you were ever that mom waiting with your princess (or prince) to use the big stall.

When I go in, I NEED all that room. My chair takes up SO much space and the stroller?! Don’t even get me started on moving around in there with a stroller.
I wish 10 minutes meant we were wrapping up our adventure, but noooo. My middle son just barely finished pooping and I still had to wipe his butt, after I finished wrangling the baby and wiping his.
My oldest son is the one you see dancing around. He really has to go too, but somehow, magically, kindly let his little brother go first.
Once he finishes up, I pass the baby to him and he complains because his hands are dirty. He did just pee, but he ONLY peed and after 3 kids you consider pee to be sanitary.
I get in position and wiggle and squirm until I’m finally able to get on the potty, while telling my middle son NOT to touch the baby. He, after all, did just poop and we all know where 4 year old fingers like to go.
Of course that was how things played out about a year ago. Now the baby is almost 2 and instead of his brother holding him, he’s flushing the potty repeatedly while everyone goes. If you were a looker, you are out of luck, Nathan squats down and looks for you and then it’s gone before you can turn and take a peek.
So, again, I apologize profusely if you are the person that was stuck waiting while 2 little boys peed and or pooped, 1 mom peed and a one baby’s diaper was changed.
LOVE this 🙂 WOW is all I can say, because I think I am amazing with all the things I have to wrestle to use a public restroom and I have had to learn to tell myself not to feel bad if people have to wait (I say “They are sharing in my challenges”). But while I sit applauding you, you probably feel like its all just part of being a mom and of course you find a way!
But sorry, I can’t help applauding and maybe next time you are doing your amazing mommy gymnastics in the stall you can imagine hearing me… Yay Priscilla!!!
Darla´s last blog post ..10 Ways to Have FUN…
Oh, yes! WE always find a way 🙂
Oh, Priscilla, please don’t apologize! The handicap stall is for people with handicaps, not for ABs with the “impediment” of a child in tow! I used to feel guilty about taking so long, but I got over it. If I hurry, I know I’ll just end up tied in knots or on the floor, so I just don’t! If there’s a long line and someone is in front of me and the big stall becomes available — AND I don’t have to rush — then I’ll tell them to go ahead. Otherwise, it’s mine! I travel a bit, and one of my pet peeves is people who deliberately use the handicap stall to change outfits. I’m sorry! That’s not okay. Those folks CAN use another stall, and they should.
Guess you hit a sore spot with me on this one. 🙂
HA. I’m not ACTUALLY apologizing. It’s a humor post. 🙂
And I posted because, sadly enough, I think some people might actually think you’re apologizing! I hope someday this won’t be necessary. I have to say, I don’t often see teenagers and kids using that stall, so hopefully the next generation “gets it”!
I clarified that it’s humor. Most of my long time readers would know, but you are correct. Not everyone will.
I’m with Kathy on using the stall for outfit changes. It’s so rude! I especially can’t stand it when bathrooms have an attendant on staff and they let people who don’t need to use the big stall to use the big stall. If you need it use it. How many kids you have in tow just adds to the puzzle of going to the bathroom.
Sarah´s last blog post ..Why I: Am Not Meant To Be A Catholic Blogger
I don’t think I’ve ever been to a restroom that had an attendant directing people where to go. I’ve been to one with an attendant, but she was there to clean up immediately, give you towel, offer whatever.
I love this, babe! And btw, you have nothing for which to apologize. That’s why there is a big stall.
You do funny, pretty well in case you’re interested.
Star Traci´s last blog post ..Writing Every Day in May — Day 13: A Public Apology
I am in wheelchair and I have the opposite problem. Especially at the airport where able bodied people like to use the handicap stall even when other stalls are free.
You have NOTHING to apologize for! But you get good karma for doing so 🙂
It wasn’t a REALY apology. It was me being funny/sarcastic. 🙂
I’ve had that, too. It sucks.