This isn’t one of those posts I’m thrilled to write about but it’s our life, non the less.
Lucas still isn’t night trained.
He’s 5.5.
He wears a pull-up at night and usually soaks through it COMPLETELY every night.
That is not fun.
At all.
So I made this.
We shall see how it goes.
If he’s dry every night this week, he will get a little something and if he stays dry longer the prize will keep getting bigger.
I think it’s a mind over matter thing.
Something like that.
I think they say if you do something for 30 days it becomes habit?
We shall see.
Here’s hoping a sticker chart will help night train my 5 year old.
We are right there with you with Ethan. And he is 6.5! It’s hard because he is extremely self-conscious about it, but the pediatrician said it isn’t a “clinical” concern until about 8 or 9. 🙁 Let me know how it goes for you. We’ve tried just about everything to no avail.
I will 🙂 and good to know!
DM me your # on Facebook. I don’t think I have it.
I used to play words with friends and if you have that or any other fun games let me know … I can take a few minutes throughout my day to play if you want to have something like that to help keep you occupied. I bet there are others that do/would too :D.
Thinking about you sweet friend. I wish you were still HERE so I could come visit.
I totally understand what you are saying, but I learned the hard way that getting upset solves nothing with my son’s bladder. My son just turned 11 and wet the bed until he as about 9 1/2. I was told that 1) he’s a boy and getting brain and bladder to work together takes some work (or in our case… time) 2) he is such a solid sleeper, that that brain may not be able to wake up him to use the bathroom. He was always afraid to have a sleep-over or go to someone’s house (we have been in about every embarrassing situation possible – even peed on a 2 day old new couch :-)) 3) Nothing to drink after 7:30……and if so, had to try to potty 2x before bed….. The trick we found were Good Nights (larger sizes, thin but VERY absorbent). We would “sneak” them into his shorts that he was going to sleep in before he even left the house to spend night with friend/family. I would also throw in a few plastic bags for in the a.m. just in case, and if no accident, he could hide them from his friends. He outgrew it, thankfully. But there were many bouts of frustration and “whys”, but I had faith that his body would work it out. Now at 11yo my son now proudly tells his friends -“if you make me laugh to hard I WILL pee my pants” – and he speaks the truth! Hang in there, neither of you should be discouraged – just a small bump on the long road ahead of our children growing up.
Love your site Priscilla – I find you to be a very inspiration wife and mother, thank you 🙂
Thank you Michele! It’s great to hear from other Mom’s that have “been there-done that”. I LOVE That he totally owns it now, too! That is fabulous.
Hang in there! My friend’s son HAD the same issues.
Thanks! 🙂