This was almost my shortest blog post ever.
I couldn’t think of one single thing that made me uncomfortable.
My plan was to leave you with this:
I would call it my official post for day 3. It’s my blog. I can do what I want.
I wasn’t really feeling it though.
I knew there had to be at LEAST ONE thing that made me uncomfortable.
So, I googled “What makes you uncomfortable?”. I really did.
I decided to go get in my PJs before I opened any of the links, and while I was changing, it occurred to me there are a few things that make me uncomfortable.
- The cold. I hate the cold. I’d rather be hot and sweaty than cold any day. It’s so freaking cold in Texas right now and it’s MAY. That’s just wrong.
- Being late. I hate to be late to or to forget an appointment. It’s embarrassing and I can’t look the people in the eyes afterwards.
- Old people that stare. It doesn’t bother me when someone my age or younger stare. When someone old (60s plus) stares at me it drives me nuts. They are the worst offenders too. I’d give anything (almost) to know what they are thinking about a young
gorgeouswoman and why she’s in a wheelchair. Do they think I’m faking? or that they need the chair more than I do? (HA!!! Try walking with no spinal cord people.) - People that stare while I get my chair in the van (or while Will gets it in). I don’t mind someone watching that asks to watch, but when someone stops and stares or sits in their car JUST to stare. Peeves me.
- Telling my story. I don’t mind that you asked me my story but it makes me uncomfortable to tell it over and over and over again. I feel like I must sound like a broken record. You are hearing it for the very first time so it’s so very fascinating to you but to me? I feel like I’m giving a pitch … which brings me to the next thing.
- Calling someone on the phone. I HATE to call someone on the phone. I especially hate calling people I don’t know. I also imagine in my head that they can see me or that they will know me if they ever see me on the street and that they will hate me. Despite this, I managed to work in business to business phone sales for a year.
- Family. Certain members anyways. I’ll leave it at that.
- Politics and religion. I have my opinions. You have yours. You aren’t going to change my mind and I am not going to change yours.
- Seeing my mother cry. It kills me inside. I can’t take away whatever hurt she has and I feel like my hands are tied. I want to help her but hugs and kind words can only do so much after everything she’s been through in 76 years.
- Knowing my mother is 76. She’s not exactly young and part of my heart will be ripped apart when she is no longer here.
If you are wondering if I ever clicked on any of those google links. The answer is no. I didn’t need to. I have my own list of crazy person things.

My husband found a t-shirt I could buy that says “KEEP STARING.i MIGHT DO A TRICK!”
Makes me laugh, but I think it would “make me uncomfortable” wearing it!
Ha! That’s hilarious. Yeah, I’d be uncomfortable wearing that one, too!
I used to have on that said – “If found walking, remind me I’m paralyzed”
That’s an awesome list love. <3
Shelley (@momma_oz)´s last blog post ..Finding comfort in the uncomfortable
Thank you my friend 🙂
My husband has told people that he’s going to see if he can get me drunk (which really isn’t me), and see if I can walk… 🙂
Ha! That’s a good one, too.
I often joke that when my husband is not around things are easier for me because I can give up the jig and just walk.
If only, right?
I am always late! Always. I admire your ability to be on time.
Letty´s last blog post ..Don’t You Dare Look Me In The Eye
Welll … I’m not always able. .. but it peeves me if I am not.
I hate calling people on the phone, too. Texting was the best thing to happen to my social life!
I understand about your story. I used to have to explain the scar on my nose before it faded.
Star Traci´s last blog post ..Writing Everyday in May — Day 3: What Makes Me Uncomfortable
scar? on your nose … I was going to say .. how have I missed this?!
I like your list. Staring makes me uncomfortable – except when little kids do it. People used to stare when I got on a bus wheelchair lift like it was the most amazing thing they ever saw. I think they may have gotten a little more used to it as it has become more common to see them.
I might actually wear that T-shirt.
I really don’t like being asked “what happened to you” or “were you born like that?” I’ don’t mind saying it was an accident, but I really, really don’t want to say what kind or go into any details about it with a person I just met or casual acquaintance. But if I say it was an accident, the next question is always “was it a car accident?” and if I say no, they want more details and those are kind of embarrassing. I don’t mind saying I have a spinal cord injury.
I don’t like calling people I don’t know, and I hate leaving messages. I feel really weird talking to a machine.
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Corrine´s last blog post ..Corrine