It’s officially been one full week since Lucas had his tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.
What an interesting week it’s been!
The first night we stayed in the hospital and took forever to get Lucas to go to sleep. He was bouncing off the walls and up to pee about every 30 minutes.
That was a HUGE ordeal because he was hooked up to an IV so we had to unplug and drag that every. SINGLE. FREAKING. TIME!
On the bright side, we were up and out and on our way home by 7 am.
I was certain he would crash once we were in the comfort of our home and the excitement of being in a new place wore off.
He bounced off the walls for another 24 hours or so.
The first few days were uneventful. He felt relatively great, suprisingly so, even.
We were giving him meds every 3 hours, on the dot – alternating Motrin & Tylenol (or Tylenol/narcotic mixture).
Early Friday morning (beginning of day 4), the pain finally took over before meds were due and thigns started to calm down. He was no longer bouncing off the walls. This is also the day Grandma went home. Go figure, right?!
Lucas had been great at taking his meds but now the fighting to take it started – his first dose after he went to sleep turned into a huge ordeal, taking up to 15 minutes. He was exhausted, we were exhausted and the poor things throat just hurt so much that he hated the thought of swallowing his meds.
Fortunately, he’s not like this during the day and has actually been eating fairly well.
The weekend proved to be uneventful.
Yesterday morning (Monday – Day 6) – He woke up with blood on his shirt and caked all over his mouth.
I took him to the doctor and he said it doesn’t always happen but sometimes it does and they do like to check it out JUST TO BE SAFE. Usually it’s just scabs sloughing off. That’s all it was… BUT now his throat is EXTREMELY raw and moving forward I think we are going to struggle with keeping him hydrated and nourished.
He woke up AGAIN this AM with more blood, but our ENT said unless it continues to bleed, it’s fine.
So there you have it. Our first week, following our five year-old’s tonsillectomy.
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