I really struggle with school work for Lucas. He is not reading yet and it’s not that he doesn’t want to, at least not entirely, but he’s just struggling with it so much. That being said, I try to keep things simple and fun when I can.
You may remember that we are doing Classical Conversations again this year. We are on cycle 3 which is all about US History. We are currently on our 6 week break week, so it has been a great week to catch up and just have fun.
Lucas loves arts and crafts. Coloring? Not so much.
Three of the 6 weeks focused a great deal on events that lead up to and The American Revolution. The Boston Tea Party was one of those weeks and a fun “colonist dressed as Mohawks” craft showed up on Pinterst from Elmer’s. You can see the original project by clicking the link in the previous sentence.
Here is our version of the Boston Tea Party Craft. It went perfectly with our week 3 history sentence. It takes SO much willpower not to want to do it myself and make it look nice and neat but that’s not the point now is it?!
He is proud if his colonist and even said he looks a little like Davy Crockett (history sentence from week 6) with this hat. Ha! He’s learning! He’s learning! He’s REALLY REALLY learning!
Thank you! Just what I needed. Was contemplating a diorama but decided this would be much more appropriate for my stress level. lol. Of course I also went and read about you and then some more posts. Lovely blog, nice to read this morning.
Awesome! Thanks Annie!
Hi Priscilla I found you website very interesting I am now 53 years old and have been in a wheelchair since I was 22. I raised 4 children myself so I can feel what you’re going through trust me it was a rough road all four of my children are very very wonderful people. We had our struggles and still have our struggles but it’s all worth it when you see how well they adjust in realized wheelchair doesn’t mean lifes over. Good luck with raising your children I know you’ll do great I just wanted to say hi. And I can understand exactly what you’re going through , we didn’t have the internet when I was raising my children. A lot of things have changed but I’m sure the struggles are still the same and so are the rewards.