This is A completely honest Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville Review and it is NOT sponsored. My family of 5 paid full resident rates for our tickets back in December, including our then 2 year old, knowing he would be 3 within a few weeks of opening!

hawaiian falls pflugerville
I’m going to be as honest as possible with this Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville review; going in we were skeptical, from the road it does not look like the park is anywhere near ready. The adventure park area of the park is supposed to have an arcade and laser tag, this is not complete. There are also several parts of the water park that are not finished. When we drove in, we found out the parking was free for the day. So far, so good. We could NOT find any handicapped parking. That was not good. We flagged down an Ambassador (this is what they call their employees) and asked where their designated handicapped parking was. The lot wasn’t finished so they were trying to cone a few spaces off, but people were ignoring their efforts. They very quickly were able to makeshift a spot that was extremely close.
We headed in to redeem our perks, which we assumed included drinking passes, a coupon book that had a buddy pass and free parking. The people working in the check in trailer at Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville were very helpful, and asked each other questions when they did not know the answer. They made every effort to make sure we got what we deserved. There were many rumors floating around Facebook land that they were not going to honor some of these things, mainly parking. They honored ours. I believe much of the confusion was the cut off date for eligibility. We bought our tickets very early in December. The cut off for free parking was just a few days after we made our purchase and we were only able to assign the pass to one ticket holder. I do not know the exact cut off date, but if anyone at Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville is reading this PLEASE let me know so I can update the information for the readers, allowing them to understand why they are not getting a parking pass. I am not sure how long parking will be free.
I want to mention accessibility. The incline of all ramps is perfect and they don’t require any effort. They also have a lift into EACH AND EVERY pool. Kuddos on fantastic accessibility and listening to the one problem we found. Somehow one of the lifts is blocked off by a decorative fence. They hadn’t realized it wasn’t accessible and plan to do everything they can to fix it. It just so happens that the maintenance guy was talking to the supervisor when I interjected with a question.
The park requires that any life jackets brought in are coast guard approved. This does NOT work very well for me. If I am in the water I want to be able to move around. I feel constrained and can’t move about freely when wearing a life jacket , so I use a water aerobics belt. I was given permission to use this. They want to make sure I am able to comfortably use the pool and be safe. I’ve never had a problem with the belt unbuckling so in my and Charlie’s opinion, the belt it is perfectly safe. Kuddos again for making sure I can enjoy the park with my kids.
Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville has 7 slides, (correction:8) all of which my husband said look fun. Will and Lucas went on 1 ride, Reef Racers, 2 times. They loved it. You must be 42″ to ride this slide.
One of the slides has 6 lanes and another has 2 lanes. The other 6 slides have 1 lane. One of the 6 remaining slides can be used as a double rider or a single rider and one can only be double. That leaves the 4 remaining slides (3 of which are body) to be single rider.
The slides vary between 42″-48″. Lucas just barely made the 48″ cut off so he is able to ride all the rides. You can see a description of the slides here.
There is quite a bit of slide variety, too; some of them are fully inclosed, partially enclosed and some are open. Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville might be small, but there is significant variety for those tall enough and able to climb the stairs.
I was asked to give my opinion of value/for the money in the parks current state. If you are able bodied (i.e. not in a wheelchair like me!) and 42″ or taller, you will get your monies worth. There are 3 slides for the 42″ crowd PLUS the wave pool, kiddie pool and wave pool. If you are in the 48″ crowd you get all 8 slides, wave pool, lazy river and if you are so inclined, the kiddie pool. To be honest, my husband spent over an hour in the kiddie pool with our youngest. Does your 3 year old get value for money? Probably not yet. My 3 year old fussed about 1/2 the time big brothers and daddy were on the slides but the other 1/2 he enjoyed being splashed. Please keep in mind this has more to do with the fact that I can’t easily get in the kiddie pool with him (yet), once the lift is working that will change. If your child is 2 or younger s/he is free, so of course there is major value/money there. 🙂
Charlie took the boys on the lazy river and Will’s initial thoughts is that it is true to it’s name. It’s was fairly speedy but there were not any sprayers to make it seem busy/add variety. It’s possible they aren’t 100% finished. There is a bridge with a lounge area that goes over the river. This is not accessible yet, but it looks like they are in the process of building a ramp.
The wave pool boast that it is the largest in Texas but I’m not convinced. It’s not exactly small, it’s plenty big for the size of the park but it is in no way the largest in Texas. The waves, however are continuous but do not break until they hit “shore”.
Toddlers at Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville.
What can they do? Unfortunately not much at the moment. They can play in the kiddie pool with a parent. It does not appear to be complete, and rumor has it there will be a small slide for the little ones to enjoy. This has not been confirmed. Your toddler can float the river with you or they can play in the wave pool with you. There is definitely stuff to keep them busy , just not as much as the older kids. I believe that to be the case with all parks, so I wouldn’t really count it against them.
The main restaurant at Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville will be a BBQ place, and it is not complete. While we wait, they are brining in food trucks and appear to be offering pizza. You can also get ice cream and other sweets. We only cashed in on our free drinks so I can’t comment further.
You will have to pay a $30 cooler fee if you wish to bring your own food in all summer long or $10/day if you choose. I saw one family that was picnicking in their car, so that is an option to. You will just have to wait in line to get back in. That doesn’t appear to be a problem right now but as the park picks up momentum that may not be the best coarse of action.
You CAN bring your own factory sealed water bottles.
We visited the temporary bathroom facilities a few times and they were clean and had a perfect ramp. No complaints.
Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville Lifegaurds are top notch!
Last but not least I have to give a 5 on the “shaka meter” to the lifeguards at Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville. I found this out the hard way. Lucas got in a little over his head and just seconds before I told him NOT to go to a specific area of the pool, he did. The lifeguard was already monitoring the situation, had asked if he was okay and he was jumping in as he glanced at me for reassurance and confirmation that he did indeed need help.
Understandably Lucas was shaken and the lifeguard said it was policy to call over a supervisor. I talked to the supervisor and after assuring him that Lucas was fine, just scared we decided to call it a day and headed home. he wasn’t too scared. We are headed back now.
Overall we are impressed with Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville and I look forward to seeing the park complete. I will review the park again at that time.
I love this. I absolutely LOVE the fact that the first review I read of the park is from a non-traditional perspective. My wife and I live right down the road from the park, at the end of Kelly Lane, and while neither one of us need to use a wheelchair, the fact that the park management went out of their way to make it this accessible shows that they are most likely more conscientious about other aspects of the park and its respective services. That’s very encouraging.
That being said, we will most likely not check the park out until things are complete, and the initial excitement has died down (so, probably not until next summer, realistically), but I am a heck of lot more likely to actually visit it now than I was before reading this post. I’m not really a crowd person, but I do like me some water slides.
And, on a side note, I find this blog very fascinating. I came for the review (was posted on our neighborhood FB page by a friend), but I’ll stay for the content. 🙂 I’m a big fan of Universal Design (our house in Maine was designed with it in mind, because we thought we were going to retire there, but it came in handy when we learned that the couple we sold it to had a quadriplegic brother who loves to visit), and I look forward to reading about things from the perspective of someone who actually can benefit from such. Thanks for doing what you do!
Thank you so much for your comment! I, too, don’t live far from the park 😉 so I shared with the the Kelly Lane group. I am very happy to hear my post helped sway you a bit, as we have really enjoyed the park this weekend. We really weren’t optimistic at first but after spending two day there we are happy with the results. I think once the park is 100% it will be highly competitive with other CenTex water parks.
I’m sure I’ll see you around. If you ever see me and my boys don’t hesitate to say hi! 🙂
Hi Priscilla ~ it was good to see you today! Thank you for the review. One thing I want to add is that you can buy a season cooler pass for $30 which is what we did. It is normally $10 per day to bring in your own cooler, which is still WAAYY less than buying the whole family food at the waterpark’s prices, especially if you have the wristband for free drinks all day. The other thing that I was very encouraged by is the Bible verses posted all over the park. Hope to see you there again!
Thank you, Ruth Ann! I mentioned that there was a cooler fee but didn’t mention how much it was. I’ll add the price. 🙂