Please tell me I am not the only one that has irrational obsessions with a child’s toy.
Nathan has had this little tiny Mickey Mouse. He would carry it EVERYWHERE. He’d sleep with it. Nap with it. Eat with it. Play with it.
He would NOT put it down. He even took it into multiple bounce houses and did not lose it.
He even crawled around in four different minivans at four different dealerships and DID NOT lose it.
He took it so many places I lost count. I checked and triple checked to make sure we didn’t leave it behind.
He did misplace it a few times and I’d find it, usually behind the bed.
The fateful evening finally came.
We had dinner. He had his Mickey. We were done. I told Dad to go ahead and pay while I left the table to use the restroom.
When I got out, everyone was gone, as expected. The table was CLEARED. My heart sank. You know that feeling you get when something is going to be wrong? That.
I head out to the van and I’m informed that Mickey was not found.
I should also note that he carries a a MUCH larger Minnie around too and today he was carrying a blue car. Both items accounted for.
NO Mickey.
He said they all looked but it was gone.
Where did this minute Mickey come from? The top of a pen. Purchased several years ago for $1. Cost to replace it today? $9 for 2.
I spent so much time and energy on this stupid little plastic toy and the frustration I feel knowing I will NEVER EVER find it again? Irrational. To say the least. Our brains form these irrational attachments to things and we can’t explain them no matter hard we try.
I think I’m going to place that order. I already miss the joy on his little face when I’d find it behind his bed in the morning and his little face would LIGHT UP and he’d say, “Tank ewe, Mommy”.
….and he just saw the picture as I was editing it for this post.
Oh bless him! There were times when my two were younger when we had to do the same check to make sure each treasured item was accounted for – and when one ended up lost or broken…well…all heck ensued. My daughter still can’t sleep without her blanky at 11 🙂
Vicky (@aroundandupsidedown)´s last blog post ..Silent Sunday 9.3.14 #silentsunday
Awww, thank you! Thank you for instantly reminding me about my kid brother’s obsession with a bathtub toy that went everywhere with us. It was the parrot, Iago, from Alladin. My own 14teen had some serious attachments to her blankie. All we have left is a little scrap that I’ve safely tucked away for her. Such sweet memories. I would totally order another Mickey and make your little one happy. I kicked myself when I found the exact blanket at a Goodwill and didn’t purchase it. (A very odd little blanket and nothing fancy but rare.) Visiting from #SITSblogging and the SpringFling
Amee @´s last blog post ..What I ate Wednesday–Week 1 of my Whole30 Challenge
Oh no! My kids have had momentary obsessions with certain toys but they never lasted. Did he cry when he saw your post?
Star Traci´s last blog post ..Sundays in My City #94 — A Walk by the Water
He didn’t cry he was just fussing for the Mickey. We got another one though so he’s all good now :D.
I give him credit for being so loyal with his toys. Like Star Traci, my kiddos fascination with certain toys only lasts for a day or two.
Nicole Robinson @MyCollegeBaby´s last blog post ..Ultimate Blog Party 2014: Win Prizes, Make Blog Pals (#UBP14)