The prompt for this week was night. A picture of me at night sounded like fun but then this happened. We have been working diligently at trying to wean this little man, and I think we are almost done. I have to hold him and kiss him nad tell him over and over I love him and that even though “Ninny” is gone,
Mommy is still here and I will always be here. He doesn’t like that answer. He just wants this little place of comfort. Surprisingly it was easier to dropour night time session because Daddy is here to take over and I am able to remove my self asthe tempation he so greatly desires.
I’m relieved and sad.
Being a mom is tough.
I almost didn’t click over from facebook because I was afraid I would cry. Since my daughter turned 4 I’ve been telling her that big girls don’t drink numnum’s (her name for breastmilk), but I haven’t denied any yet. I want to be done with it, but I know we’ll both be so sad. I never meant to breastfeed this long, and thought she would self wean ages ago. She is so independent. I think one of the reasons I’ve let her nurse for so long is that her father left when she was just one and I have been afraid of adding to any feeling of rejection.
You’re right, being a mom is tough!
Lizzie Lau´s last blog post ..Just The One
YAy for 4 years Mama!! That is great. I wish you nothing but the easiest transitions when you do decide to beggin your journey and thank you for visiting today. This was a difficult post to publish. I don’t want it to be true.
I can see myself in this photo so much. Weaning is so hard and sad…you want to be done, and you still want the connection. Sorry mama.
Meredith´s last blog post ..Austin Love Letter
It is so hard and the closer you get to it begging finale and completely over — the harder it gets. 🙁
Eugh, I’m facing this in the next little while as well. This is our last baby as well so facing the reality that I will never nurse a wee one again is heart-breaking.
Stopping by from the SITS Saturday to say “Hi!”. Love your blog so far and I’ve followed you on BlogLovin 🙂
Alysia´s last blog post ..Olivier Soaps, Lotions and Balm
It’s so tough, this mom thing. To many emotions, really. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂