I am starting something new, Share the Love Saturday, with one of my dearest friends. Traci from A Star in My Own Universe and I are asking YOU join us every week as we Share the Love.
The rules are VERY Simple!
- Share a post (past or present) that you have written about another blogger. It can NOT be about you!
- Link back to The Wheelchair Mommy @ www.wheelchairmommy.com and The Star @ http://www.astarinmyownuniverse.com
- Add your link to the link-up.
- Visit someone NEW!
- That’s it!
Meet Meredith
Meredith is the beautiful and talented writer behind Mom in Unchartered Waters. She was one of the amazing Speakers at this year’s Listen to Your Mother Show.
Meredith doesn’t always post regularly, but when she does there is SO much heart and so much depth to what she delivers you will certainly come back, hoping for another glimpse into her life.
She is a mom to 2 girls, a toddler and a teenager.
One of my favorite posts was this one: Love Letter to Ausitn. IT made me jealous that I didn’t actually grow up here. I was already jealous but it made me long to know Austin as she did, to grow and change with it.
The other post that you really must read is the piece she read at LTYM: I can see September from here. It’s the post that concocted me with Meredith, made me want to be her friend.
I hope you take the time to stop by and stay hi to Meridith! Don’t forget to visit Traci to see who she is Sharing the Love with Today!
Joining you from over at Traci’s site. What a great idea, its such a wonderful way of spreading some blogy love and meeting new bloggrers. Lovely to meet you, I’ve enjoyed my visit.
Tracy Terry´s last blog post ..STARDUST.
Just visited her and loved her blog!
Star Traci´s last blog post ..Sundays in My City #101