Hi! Welcome back for our second edition of Share the Love Saturday. Traci from A Star in My Own Universe and I are asking YOU join us every week as we Share the Love.
The rules are VERY Simple!
- Share a post (past or present) that you have written about another blogger. It can NOT be about you!
- Link back to The Wheelchair Mommy @ www.wheelchairmommy.com and The Star @ http://www.astarinmyownuniverse.com
- Add your link to the link-up.
- Visit someone NEW!
- That’s it!
Today, I’d like you to meet Tori.

Stolen, umm, I mean borrowed from Tori’s IG account
Tori is a fashion/mommy/lifestyle blogger in Texas. I first met her when I began posting fashion posts.
She’s absolutely gorgeous and one of the sweetest people you will ever be meet. I promise you will be jealous of someone as amazing inside and out as Tori. She truly lights up the room.
Tori is a Mommy to one sweet little boy and she is also a fellow Wildside Blogger!!
She has had her fair share if challenges in life, you can find the links to her story here, on here about me page.
The woman likes tequila. We could totally be twins. Right? Okay. Maybe not, but I must try that recipe.
I hope you take the time to stop by and stay hi to Tori! Don’t forget to visit Traci to see who she is Sharing the Love with Today! We look forward to yours posts.
I love Tori! She’s a great blogger and a great person!
P.S. I love you, too!
Star Traci´s last blog post ..Share the Love #2 – Pen and Paper
Your post totally made me tear up! You give me way to much credit! Thank you so much for your friendship and kind words that really touched my heart!
Tori Johnson´s last blog post ..Daddy Day Gift Guide
XOXOX Tori! You really are awesome! 🙂