One of my goals for the year is to yell yes or to stop yelling entirely.
Shoot for the moon, right?
As a mom with 3 boys, home all day – EVERY day, I sometimes yell more than I care to admit. Sometimes I even say things I should say and for that I am sincerely sorry.
I’ve apologized to my kids many times for losing it.
It happens. I’m human. I make mistakes.
Does it make me a bad Mom? No.
Should I do everything in my power to stop? Yes.
That is my absolute #1 goal for 2014.
You are invited to hold me accountable. Post on my Facebook page and ask me, as often as you are so inclined.
I think this is the single most important goal for me, this year and every year.
I believe it will strengthen the relationships I have with my boys and at the same time make me a better wife.
I read another blog post that said we should ALWAYS treat our children as if our friends were watching.
I’ll leave you with that.
Oh I TRY not to yell but sometimes my frustrations boil over and it just happens. I TRY to reason with them and bribe them and ask nicely…. and sometimes it takes a LOUD request to get a response!
Melanie´s last blog post ..Waiting for nothing.
We must be on the same wavelengths! I wrote up a post this week about my goal of not yelling this year too! We can do this! (Although I’ve already yelled… I’m giving myself a year, right?)
So how is your goal going?? 🙂
Better, although being stuck inside the house for days due to the flu hitting us all didn’t help the yelling. We’re all a bit stir crazy. But, I did great for about a week there! What about you?
Katelyn F´s last blog post ..Regular chores for Three Year Olds
The sickies hit here too …. and I couldn’t talk … but today? I yelled and it HURT! That’s what I get. 🙁
I am working on this, as well. I am trying to catch myself, especially with Sonny Bunny, and find my words like I ask of him. But sometimes it is SO hard and I still fail. But I agree that in the long run it will help both of us. It is a worthy goal!
Star Traci´s last blog post ..Sundays in My City #86 — The View From Here