I love finding hidden gems. I wrote and NEVER published this well over a year ago!
Oh, how I love the innocence of my children.
I’m sitting with Lucas while he takes a bath and he is talking about bad guys and asks if a bad guy would draw on the bathtub with a regular crayon.
I said no.
He goes on to tell me things a bad guy does:
He will steal things.
He will destroy your house.
He will leave the electricity on while you are gone.
I love it.
The things kids say and how they relate it to life is just priceless.
He then goes on to tell me that he, Will, and Daddy can do TaeKwonDo on the bad guy but Mommy and Nathan can’t.
Leaving that electricity on is pretty bad stuff.
Star Traci´s last blog post ..Sundays in My City #128 — Playing Games