“I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Influence Central (#IC) for Sprint. I received a Sprint device to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. ”
I am always taking pictures of myself and my kids. Capturing all these milestones is a big deal to me but I don’t want to carry a BIG camera. It just so happens as a mom and blogger, I always have my phone on me. This allows me to keep up with my social media channels, text my blogging bestie and take pictures at a moments notice, whether my kids like it or not. My phone is my lifeline.
In years past, I have taken subpar photo, but no more! When Sprint sent me the LG: G4 I couldn’t wait to see what the 16MP rear camera and the 8MP front camera could do.
If you follow me on instagram you will know I have been having all kids of fun with the camera.
Firsts off, it takes amazing selfies. We are all guilty of this. Don’t even try to deny it. It even smooths your skin for a flawless photo! I have Nuerofibromotosis (NF1), so my skin is FAR from flawless. I can hide the tumors with this camera!
On second thought, maybe I should have turned down the smoothing just a tad. I look TOO flawless.
The rear-facing camera handles low lighting incredibly well. Here is a dramatic comparison I did on Father’s Day. There is no comparison which camera reigns supreme!
If your family is looking for a new mobile plan, Sprint is EXTREMELY affordable. I have 3 kids so if you are like me, budget is everything. Sprint has a lease program and you can get your hands on THIS phone for only $18/month for 24 months if you are signing for for their Family Share plan. The family share plan lets you share 20 MB of data with 4 people and gives you unlimited texting and talking. It comes in at $100. See where your nearest store is now!
I just need the texting. Does anyone REALLY talk on the phone anymore? My mom does but she’s legally blind so texting is not an option for her.
While we are on the subject of texting … I need to bring up something a little more serious. Sprint now has an app called DRIVE FIRST. This app sends phone calls to voicemail and silences texts and alerts anytime the car is going over 10 MPH. It keeps those distractions away. Brilliant.
Texting and driving is insanely dangerous and I hate to admit that I have been known to do it. You would think I would be more careful given that I was paralyzed in a car crash. (not related to texting…. texting did NOT exist then!)
The statistics for drivers that text are scary. Did you know that drivers that text are 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident and a whopping 40% of teens admit to texting while driving. That really scares me.
My oldest son is only 10 but 16 will be here in a blink of an eyes and I need to nip my bad habit in the bud NOW before he picks up my habit. Dosomething.org and Sprint are partnering through a THUMB WARS campaign. Teens can sign up at ThumbWars.org and get will receive 2 anti-texting thumb socks. When my son was “modeling” these and trying to fake text on my G4 it was completely impossible!

This was CLEARLY not taken with my AMAZING LG:G4
Oh my goodness. The only reason I have a smartphone is for the camera- I’m addicted to taking photos and to instagram of course! I need to check this phone out!
Amanda´s last blog post ..When Dreams Come True
Love the camera options — wow! And I love anybody that is encouraging not texting and driving!
Star Traci´s last blog post ..Friday Fragments #3 — Birthday Edition
I hate thinking about how many new drivers are on the road. And now add texting!
Heather D. (@GirlGoneMom)´s last blog post ..Frozen Yogurt Blueberries
I cringe when I see anyone texting while driving especially when I’m in the car. This is a nice looking phone you’ve got.
I have an iPhone 6 and am amazed by the photograghy difference. We don’t have sprint currently but will look into their service.
maria @ close to home´s last blog post ..Grilled Chicken Breast with Grilled Tomato Salsa
I have held off from getting a smartphone until just this month. The changing pricing plans finally convinced me. The phone companies don’t want you to have a simple flip phone anymore. Having used others navigational feature in their smartphones I suspect that will be the most benefit of my upgrade.
Oh distracted driving – this problem needs to get into our culture’s mindset like drunk driving did. I have never heard of the thumbs. Kinda funny but who knows it might work to remind them.
lisleman´s last blog post ..wah wah fragments
I am doing this campaign, too, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the G4!! That camera is AMAZING!
Sara P. (@SensiblySara)´s last blog post ..Tips for a Great School Year {Plus an Avery Sweepstakes}
I agree!! It’s the best one I have ever seen!
I also text and take pics way more than I actually talk on the phone. Texting while driving is a scary thing. I have my phone read my texts to me when I’m synced with my Bluetooth so I’m not tempted to pick my phone up.
Julie´s last blog post ..Tips for Attending a Drive-in Movie
Great photos! That’s a wonderful app that Sprint has come out with! Great to hear, kudos to Sprint!
Wow the picture is so much better with the LG G4. My phone’s photos are just embarrassingly grainy and dark.
Liz Mays´s last blog post ..5 Ways to Relax More on Vacation
Smartphone photos have come so close to replacing our DSLR. In a few more years I’m sure they will!
Scott´s last blog post ..We Rocked This Roller Coaster
I agree!! This camera actually had advanced manual settings but I was scared to play with them!
Looks like a nice phone – the photos were much brighter than on the iPhone!
Heather´s last blog post ..No Bake Summer Pies
Lol this post is funny. The twp thumb mittens is pretty cool mow i want one. I didn’t know they had these will be looking into it.
sacha´s last blog post ..If My Car Could Talk
My iPhone screen is in a thousand pieces – this may be worth looking into! Thanks for the info. 🙂
16 megapixels?! Holy cow! That is an incredible camera!
Shannon Peterson´s last blog post ..What I Wore // Mama Style
I LOVE the driving app – that is absolutely brilliant, and so necessary. Wouldn’t it be fabulous if that feature came automatically on every phone.
The thumb war gloves made me laugh. Fabulous review!
Rachel – A Southern Fairytale´s last blog post ..The Triple ‘B’ Avocado Tomato Summer Salad