Stonyfield sponsored this post (Yum! Yogurt!) and inspired me to read this article on Babble and to ask my own children the same or a similar question.
I was lying in bed the other night after we got the littles to bed and Lucas tip-toed into our bedroom and climbed in bed with me. He snuggled up close and told me he loved me so much.
I asked him, what I do that makes him feel so loved and what he said will forever be beautifully carved into my memory.
He told me that if he loved me anymore it would blow his mind. Of course, that made me giggle but he didn’t quite answer the question.
When he finally gave me and answer, it was quite simple. It’s when I do nice things for him. I’m not 100% sure what he thinks is nice but I guess when he wears a smile/laugh like this on a regular basis, I am doing something right.
Somehow homeschool worked it’s way into the conversation. I truly think he will be staying home when school starts back up. Either way, whatever makes me sweet boy happy.
I loved our conversation. It’s moments like this I cherish. I hope to ask the other 2 boys the same question soon.
I didn’t want the moment to end, but daddy came back into the room and he was ready to settle in for the night. Lucas gave me a quick kiss before Daddy flew him back to his room.
Awesome question.
Thank you ?
Love this!!! Mine was very similar.