Every season I look forward to the new CAbi line, and I was excited to see the goodies in the spring line.
It’s funny how everything changes when you see the new CABi line in person. The things you thought you’d love suddenly fall to the bottom of your list and things you never thought you’d consider make it to the top!
It happens every season.
There are about 5 pieces I want but I was good and only ordered one top. At least for the time being. I plan to get the other things on my list throughout the season. There’s no need to spend a ton of money at once.
I can’t wait for my Rita top to arrive!
Charlie took the boys to the elementary school dance. Alone. Poor guy.
He seemed to think the boys had fun at the dance. Or maybe it was just the glow sticks. There’s something magical about those, isn’t there?
They didn’t stay out very late though! There wasn’t much to choose from for dinner (only hotdogs) and the music was way too loud. My kids aren’t big music fans to begin with. When you turn up the volume? They hate it!
He sent me a couple of blurry pictures but I will spare you!
We originally planned a trip to my niece’s house on Saturday but her twin sister wasn’t able to make it so we postponed that trip until she is able to make the trip too! I can’t wait to see both babies together!
I would love to see everyone more often but we can’t go every weekend.The boys get so tired of going places all the time. It seems our calendar is always full.
The change in plans worked out for the best though. William missed the middle school instrument tryouts last weekend because he was on a Boy Scout camp out.
Luckily, they offered a make up day this weekend so he was able to go try out just about everything.
We went in thinking he was going to choose the trumpet but he ended up loving the trombone and the euphonium.
For now, trombone is his number one choice with euphonium as his second and clarinet as his third!
Can we just back up for a minute, though? How is my baby going to be in middle school?! Wasn’t he just my sweet tiny baby?! The baby that made me a mommy?
Saturday night was a good time with the neighborhood crew. It always is! We had a poker and game night. I just played games. Angry fish and cards against humanity.
I don’t have a poker face. At all, so poker is never on the table.
I was hoping to get a babysitter so we could both go but Charlie didn’t want to join me. He stayed home and played video games with the two older boys.
He was out cold when I got home around midnight! The poor guy really needed some sleep.
We were hoping to go visit my mom and stepdad on Sunday but just as we were loading up, Charlie noticed Nathan felt slightly warm. When we checked his temperature he was running right at about 100/99.6. Ugh.
He wasn’t acting sick and he said he felt fine but given how weak my stepdad’s immune system is, we called and canceled our plans. He absolutely cannot afford to be exposed to any type of illness, no matter how mild. We would never take the risk.
We decided to make the most of our day and cleaned out our garage. We needed to do it just after we moved in 15 months ago, but life just kept getting in the way.
As it does.
We decided to just go for it. It’s not anywhere near where we want it but it is so much better. I did not get a before picture and I’m not going to share my after picture just yet because we have several bags of trash and boxes that need to go to the street on Friday.
Then I might share!
I did snap a few cute pictures of Nathan. Obviously. He kept himself busy while we worked.
When he saw all of our cans of paint and paint brushes, he kept begging me to let him paint.
Clearly, that was not going to happen so I got an empty bucket and let him water paint on the sidewalk and driveway.
It was an absolute hit!
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