My baby will be 5 soon. The first thing that means is that I am way overdue for my yearly check up. Not that you needed that information. The next thing? I absolutely positively cannot skip that oh so lovely visit this year because my IUD will expire.
We are not going to try for “our girl” and we are not going to have a 4th boy. We are content. We are done. Why is this so hard to write in a post and why have I waited so long to finally admit it?!
The doctor that delivered my three boys retired when my baby was 2 and I’ve just been putting off finding a new lady parts doctor. I Mean really who wants that chore?! I think it’s almost worse than dating. Sure, When they’ve seen one they’ve seen them all, but not really. they haven’t seen mine!
So back to the IUD. My is about to expire which means it’s time to put another one in. And yes! I am putting another one in. My boys are 4. No, wait, almost 5, 7 and 11. No wait the seven-year-old just turned eight.
I can’t keep this straight. So I’m definitely getting another IUD put in.
We’ve gone back-and-forth on whether my husbsnd should just call Dr. Chop. Yes the doctors name really is Chop. the best part? his first name is Dick. No, not Richard. Dick Chopp. With a name like that how could you not perform vasectomies??
Anyways we keep going back-and-forth on the topic but a vasectomy is just so…….permanent!
I’m not ready for 100% permanent. People all around me keep having babies. It’s not that I want one, but…I’m definitely not ready for another baby. I’m pretty darn sure I never will be.
My husband is one hundred percent sure he’s done forever ..make that 150%. I’m only 99% sure. No make that 75%. No 99. People around me need to stop having babies and I know I will be 100% sure. Really.
When Nathanc was about 2 he was driving me absolutely nuts. My husband and I often said if he was our first he would’ve been our only. I even called my husband at work one day and told him he needed to call Dr. chop right now before I changed my mind. I was done. For real. He said no because that was his fear that I would change my mind and I would never forgive him. At this point even if I DID want another my husband would never agree.
To be frank, I don’t think my body would go for it anyways. I’ve carried 3 healthy babies, all of them after being paralyzed but When the baby was about 6 months old I had a horrible infection. We don’t know how i got it or why I got it but it nearly broke me.
The doctors tried to get rid of the infection but they couldn’t. They didn’t even know it was an infection. we also discovered that the titanium rods they put in 12 years before were broken. The break was not the cause for the infection and the infection didn’t cause the break. I kept getting worse and they had no other options. they opened me up and that’s when they found the infection. Whatever they kept trying to fight kept fighting back and winning because the rods were a foreign object in my body. They had to chisel it away to remove it. They had been in there so long, they were s part of my body.
The infection caused tremendous pain and the required a horrible dependency that took months to wean from.
My body still isn’t the same. I still feel worn down most days. I don’t think I’ve ever reached 100% again and I know my body couldn’t bring another baby into this world.
We are ready to close that chapter and finally have more us time. So consider this my official announcement that we are officially done. My family is officially complete.
Mine is too! I still love the little babies but I am ready to look beyond the kiddos to the next adventure, as well.
And like you, my body isn’t going to let me anyway.
Star Traci´s last blog post ..Friday Fragments #46 — Life is Strange…
Deciding if you are done or not is such a big decision but when you know you are done you will be sure. In the meantime, get the IUD replaced and rest easy.
I think that’s the plan… ?
Many people get baby fever and forget all about the reality of having a newborn. Knowing that you are done having children can be very rewarding in the short and long run .
Yes! We were fairly lucky in the newborn phase all 3 times but who knows …
My baby factory is closed too. After 2 I am done. You have to do what is right for your family.
Ashley @irishred02´s last blog post ..Blue Apron Meal Delivery
Very true. My body is saying no.
I have 4 littles and I’m officially done too. I always wanted to have a larger family, but with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome in our family, it’s just not realistic. First and foremost, each pregnancy I had was harder on me than the last and SO painful. I could barely walk by the time I hit my 2nd trimester with my last one. Also, both of my boys were born with Ehlers Danlos as well and they were both excessively fussy babies because of it (read: screamed nonstop, literally.) I don’t want to put another child through that and I definitely don’t want to go through it again. Thinking about my boys as babies makes me feel literally sick to my stomach because of how stressful it was. So my hubby saw our own Dr Chopp (who has a completely different name of course) and so our baby factory is officially closed.
Hannah @Sunshine and Spoons´s last blog post ..10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies
Oh Hannah! I’m sorry you had difficulties. I don’t much about Ehlers danlos syndrome. I’ll have to visit your blog more and learn about it.
I only could no longer have children after I had my son, I did not have a choice, I wish I did.
….which was taken from me by a complicated pregnancy!
Claudia Krusch´s last blog post ..Janet Jackson’s Greatest Fashion Hits Over The Years
I’m so sorry Claudia! ?
okay that doctors name is priceless!!! LOL!!! WE havent done anything permanent either but we know we are done. Using the pill and hoping for no surprises.
You made me giggle aloud with the name of the doctor. I like your sense of humor. Congrats on having your family and knowing you are complete.
It’s really his name!!! ?
Isn’t it funny how when you know you just “know”? We have 4 (three girls and a boy) and before my last was born I knew deep down that I wasn’t ready to be done. The pill gave me wicked headaches for a week a month so The hubby got the “Big V” done last summer and honestly it’s rather freeing not to see my hubby as a “threat” any more. LOL!! I can wait for Grandbabies but for now I will just cuddle babies at church!
I will just cuddle all these babies that everyone else keeps having!! ?
Same here, Priscilla. After three girls – I’m done. It would have been nice to have a boy but I was more than a little fed up with people asking me (after having three girls) if we were going to try again for a boy. To me, that was disrespectful of my girls because that would imply that they weren’t enough. In any case, my baby factory is closed as well. Yes, it’s a bit hard when I see new moms, etc. I really liked being pregnant – pregnancy woes and all; and I loved having a newborn to bond with and cuddle. But I’ll just have to settle for doing that with my grandbabies when I’m able.
Jenine´s last blog post ..Journey Back to Wellness – Part I
I had severe preeclampsia with both of my pregnancies, and at age 25 with my second c-section I had a tubal ligation. It took years, maybe decades to get over it. I wanted more children. But whether we choose to stop, or it chooses us, we do move on. Now, at age 58, I have two beautiful children, two beautiful in-laws, and two beautiful grandchildren, all of whom I adore. My family is perfect for me.
No matter what decision you make, you will have misgivings from time to time. Be kind to yourself, take time to feel the feelings and work through it. 🙂
You should be really happy that you have 3 healthy children. We couldn’t have any and it has made life very sad and depressing at times. Especially at church which is why we stopped going very often for almost 25 years.
My baby maker is absolutely closed too! I also hate finding a new OB doc. UGH
I really hope you find a “lady” doctor and get back to keeping up with your health. Whether you have another baby or not, your health is important.
Onica (MommyFactor)´s last blog post ..Giveaway: Use Orkin “Buzzer Beater” App for Summer Prep #LearnWithOrkin
My family’s baby factory stopped at just 1 kid as my wife did not want more, though I desired to have one more child but then she was the one who would be bearing all the pain and undergo all the hardships so I had to agree. But in your case, you seem to be a super mom despite the mobility issues and you are living it up, enjoying every moment and sharing a slice of your being and becoming an inspiration for so many people!
John Gatesby´s last blog post ..WHAT IS ORTHOSTATIC INTOLERANCE?