This weeks menu has been posted and I added another new page (foodroll) that will include recipes I find on varies blogs….
Yesterday started our pretty average, but around 2:45 that all changed. We were heading out for an appointment and the garage door would NOT open. Now, if you know me, you know this is BAD. It’s my only way out of the house (unless you count the back yard). I tried the garage door button AGAIN and still nada. Somehow, a string had been pulled and it thought it was already open — I don’t really know, something like that. Anyways, I called my darling husband because I was starting to panic. Who wants to be trapped in a house with kids and no way to get out (WE MUST MAKE RAMP ON FRONT DOOR PRIORITY!)??
Anyways, he called the neighbor (I need to get that number….) and he came and manually opened the door for me. We got in the van and headed to our appointment. This “delay” almost made me late but Charlie met us there to help me out so I could get in faster and then he headed home to fix whatever hte heck was wrong.
The rest of the day went mostly smooth.
Will is without video games right now and he keeps complaining about THAT….but he really needed the break from it.
Charlie had to work late so the boys and I had make shift dinner. I had La Madeline Tomato Basil. Oh. My. Goodness. This is my favorite soup ever. I am beyond thrilled that it comes in a jar from my local grocery store. The best part is that it tastes EXACTLY the same. The bad part is that I can eat the ENTIRE jar and it has about 64 grams of fat and 680 calories. But it is ssoooo worth it so who cares.
Lucas has chicken nuggets and spoonful after spoonful of avocado. Crazy kid. Will…well he had nuggets and yogurt. No avocado for him, lol.
I got BOTH boys to bed by 7:40. GO ME.
Just when Charlie was on his way home he discovered the clutch was broken in his loaner. It was after 10 so there was no way I could go out after him so he called josh. Two hours later and a little more drama and he was finally home.
I did get some reading in 😀
Stopping by from SITS to say HI!
I hate car maintenance! LOL
Oh my i can imagine how scared you where when you can't get out!!!
i'm happy it's all fine now.
and all the food sounds yummie!!
Sounds like one of my days! We all no what those odd days are like but im lad it seemed to get better ..or okay? lol after the garage door incendent!!
…and way to go you having kids in bed at 7.30!!! I need your tips on that one!! hehe.
Ellie. (elliemeachem1)
Wanted to let you know you won a razor. email me your address when you get a chance.