Today was one of those days that was just an all around GREAT day. The kids were great and we got to catch up with LOTS of former neighbors. And my Mommy is on her way. What could be better?
Lucas went down for his nap as planned and took an awesome nap. Will watched TV. Afterwards we headed South to our old neighborhood. WE got there around 12:30 and had lunch around 1. I got to catch up with Elissa while the boys played. Her sister, Julie, came by and we caught up briefly. Then the mom came by and more of the same. I am not really doing this awesome day any justice am I?
Dang it. I forgot to take pictures. TWice in a row!! What kind of mommy and scrapper am I??
Around 5:30 we headed out and across the street to see DIana. WHile we were chatting I got to say hi to her next door neighbors as they were leaving. It was a nice surprise to get to catch up with so many people.
Just before we left a neighbor from around the corner came by. He loves to walk his dogs and baby girl Abby is now old enough to have had puppies.
Now I was a super MEAN wife and sent this to Charlie:
Look what’s coming home with me… Meet Loudin.
Sent from my iPhone
Yeah….. we are not doing THAT (click here to find out what THAT is…) again. Not right now anyways.
Mommy can I have a puppy?? 😛 Sure is a cute lil thing, i predict it will not be little for long, and not as cute…. although labs are great dogs LOL It probably would not have peed all over your house like the other!
Awww…he is such a cute little puppy!!!! Bring him home! Hahaha!!!
~Stopping by from SITS!!
Awww Mom PLEEEEAAAAASE!!!! How many times have you heard that. If its anything like my house MORE TIMES THAN U CAN COUNT!!!!