So yesterday was a pretty average Monday :). Kid stuff, you know! Oh and groceries.
We also had our bi-weekly “date” with our friends Shawn, Mark and their kids.
We cooked burgers on the grill and had some really yummy (and cheap!!! 10 for $1) corn on the cobb. The funny thing that happened??? We were putting our burgers together and I decided I wanted a little Mayo (totally a new thing for me); as soon as I squirted it, I freaked.
It was NOT mayo!!
The reaction I got was priceless…. it was JUST homemade ranch dressing but everyone else had already put it on!! That was hilarious but it was actually really yummy!!
Mark has a used car shop on the side and I am going to start taking care of his books for him. I think we are going to go with quickbooks (maybe the online version???). It won’t be much but a little extra spending money will be nice.
We have karate today and I am going to run an errand for Shawn. That’s about it.
Oooh – I THINK Lucas said Mama. Finally. Mostly still just says “hi”. It’s really quite hilarious. I know I’ve said it before but it is just too cute to hear him say “hi” over and over and over.
Ooh yes. How could I forget. Will and I are working on a new “routine”. He is helping me get my wheelchair in and out of the car and it actually goes much quicker. I wonder how long THAT is going to last before he gets tired of it. :D??!
Just tell him that his “new routine” has to continue until he is old and crotchity or until he can hire you a butler…LOL. Now which do you think he will choose?
Heard about you on SITS.