Monday’s Weekly Menu is up!! Yum! We are trying something new this week!!Check Out the quick tip at the bottom of the recipe. That’s the shortcut i am taking.
July 20-26
- Monday – macaroni and fruit
- Tuesday – Pizza night!
- Wednesday – homemade pinto beans on jalepeno cheese tortillas ( we were going to do cornbread but saw these and they looked yum)
- Thursday -Â Chicken enchiladas from REAL SIMPLE magazine
- Friday – My nephews couples shower so whatever they are serving
- Saturday Lunch-leftovers
- Saturday Dinner- Burgers and Tator Tots ( the burgers are the frozen, precooked variety but they were free with an HEB meal deal a few weeks ago)
- Sunday Lunch-leftovers or sandwhiches
- Sunday Dinner-?????????
OOOOOOOOOOOOOooh and some really famous TV reality series contacted me today …… I’ll post about that later.
Lucas had a follow-up and all is well. We’ve been mixing his nasty-nasty juice with ICE COLD juice what do you know ….. HE DRINKS IT ALL UP!!!!
I went back to my dermatologist today too. I made an appointment with a family physician in the Peds office and she really didnt know … and worked her magic to get me in to the derm TODAY. Origianlly it was going to be the partner but 10 minutes later called and said my doc had an opening in an hour and a half. I jumped on it. He’s stumped. That’s all there is to it. I was on prednisone for 3ish weeks and it has NOT improved. He thought it was an we think it might be something else but he ran a quick test for that and didnt find evidence it could be that. Anyways it is potentially contagious for people in the same house so we are all being treated for it now. Blech.
I hope it helps. That was my day. Docotors and pharmacies.
Ok . … Off to read a few blogs and maybe finish my book…..and when Charlie gets home we treat Will and get him to bed. I’m letting him stay up tonight :D.
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