IÂ think EVERYONE knows I am a scrapper, correct?
Ok. Well. In Digiland most people are on CTs (Creative Teams). Well, I’ve been on Eva’s team for as long as I can remember. Every week she picks a layout with one of her newest releases and this week would you like to guess who she picked?
Yup!! ME!!!!!!!!
Here is my LO: (and her blog) <— click it
I still haven’t posted it in the Sweet Shoppe gallery because I am a slacker like that … but I will do that NOW so you can see full credits.
OK…NOW it’s linked to my gallery and posted in Eva’s section!
Congrats! It's a great page!
Priscilla, what a beautiful layout and congrats on being the pick of the week. Have a great day, Kim (pkstew2 on SSD).
Awesome LO and congrats on being pick of the week 🙂