I just found this post from last summer.
I have NO idea how it went unpublished, so I will publish it TODAY since I don’t have a post for today.
Um … I don’t remember when we went either. June? July? 2010
Yeah – okay. I totally stole that from a shirt, but I don’t wear t-shirts so I’m stealing using it for a blog post instead.
We headed out on Friday, settled down and checked in – went to the river for about an hour. Hubby was carrying me down (there was no way my chair was going to make it on the rocks and I was just going to sit anyways, so why not a lounge chair??). Anyways….. about 1/2 way down this drunk guy ran over and asked if my husband needed a break and if he wanted him to hold me while he rested for a minute. Or two. or something. Meanwhile, my 2 “nephews” (nieces’ husbands) are standing there and both VERY capable of carrying me are trying to figure out what’s going on. Charlie and I both keep insisting he doesnt need help, I’m not very heavy, if he just lets us go he’ll have a chance to put me down once we get to our group. It was HILARIOUS. He was very nice but clearly drunk and wanted to hold me and run off with me. hahahah — okay maybe not the last part but it was really funny. and nice.
Saturday we went tubing. I got a big bruise on my rear and now I have to worry about it turning into a pressure sore. OH, THE JOYS OF PARALYSIS! (and now the rant is over!)
We BBQed these two nights and it was amazingly delicious.
Sunday we tanned. and tanned some more.
That’s it …
oooh yeah… and my hair. It’s gone. I told you I was doing it. Now I need a chi so I can make it snazzy and straight.
Not every day one of us old Mums gets picked up by a drunk guy…hilarious! Visiting from Scary Mommy. x
@I’m So Fancy,Hey!! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, it was funny. I’m only 30 though!! (29 last summer) so I don’t really think that’s old . I believe the drunk was my age too.
Hey!! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, it was funny. I’m only 30 though!! (29 last summer) so I don’t really think that’s old :D. I believe the drunk was my age too.
I love this story, sounds like a trip to the beach with my kids. I did not have a drunk eh guy around me…funny
Kim @ Stuff could…´s last blog post ..National MS Society Propels 50 New Studies
@Kim @ Stuff could…, Thank you for stopping in… Yea, the drunk was a first.