This is what I love. This is what I am going to miss. This week my “baby” has almost an entire week home with me. He only goes to school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Friday is just a “School holiday” and Monday, well, Monday is President’s Day. So, see? Almost a full week home with Mommy.
I’m not really looking forward to this fall when he goes to school full time. I’m going to be so sad. How is it that I have a 5 year old? I can’t believe I have an ANOTHER child almost 2. It’s so sad. And wonderful. And amazing. And loud. Gosh. I’m gonna miss this!
i'd love to say it gets better with time. but i'd be lying. mine is 12 and has been in school for what feels like forever. i'm crushed when she goes to her dad's for his weekends. the upside, they have the most wonderful adventures they can't wait to share with you when they come home. it makes the time apart a little better to handle. 🙂
.-= zeghsy´s last blog ..problems? no, not really =-.