It’s been one year since my mother-in-law died unexpectedly. It’s been a year full of ups and downs and lots of sad “firsts” for my husband and the rest of us. I won’t go into all the details, but I just wanted to share something with the rest of you that I wrote after she died. PLEASE take it to heart. I know it may not be easy. Just try. For me. Okay?! If you know me from OLU, I just copied and pasted.
No matter how much you think you dislike your MIL, PLEASE …. try and fix it …
because now that mine is gone I wish I could and I can’t.It’s too late.
I haven’t posted here yet, but my MIL died VERY unexpectedly on September 15th (also DH’s bday).
It’s no secret that we were far from best friends. I wanted to have a better relationship with her but for my own faults and some hers, we just never did.
We were always working on it. It just wasn’t good enough.
So this is my plea. If there is ANY chance whatsoever that you and your MIL (or FIL) can have a friendship, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE .. do it NOW.
Don’t think time will make you closer. I ran out of time and despite us not getting along all that well I am BEYOND devastated that I will NEVER get the chance to be a good friend.
That is all.
Now I’m sharing this with you because I don’t know if I ever shared it with my husband. I didn’t want to burden him with my grief (and to be honest still don’t). ANYWAYS.
It's OK and I bet she is smiling…
Weekend Cowgirl´s last blog post ..This Truck is Stylin’