We aren’t sure what is going on with our kitty, but she’s 10 years old and has been shedding a crazy amount the last 2 weeks or so. I’ve kind of ignored it. Yesterday, she came in from being outside and I was vacuuming (hair!!) and she kinda rubbed up against the vacuum once or twice and fell over. I thought it was just the noise/vibration that startled her. She moved on and I finished up. I looked over at her and ever few steps she’d stumble. It was like she was drunk. Charlie started watching too. He picked her up and tried to get her to drink some water but she couldnt stand up long enough to do it. We called the Emergency vet and they said to bring her in. I was holding her and also noticed she felt lighter (found out today she’s lost 0.6 lbs, which is a lot for a kitty, I think). Anyways, the Vet looked her over and we ran some bloodwork but nothing came back abnormal. They suspect it might be neurological :(. There is a small chance it could be toxoplasma so we are giving her antibiotics for that. They also put a hydration pack under her skin. ALmost $500 and no real answers. We just wait and see and give her lots of love …. Hubby did some research and found that some older cats tend to do this and it’s over in a few days but the weight?!!! Oh and we were worried she wasn’t urinating but she finally did that! Phew!!
We are trying to keep her off furniture for fear she’ll fall but that is nearly impossible. She’s been hiding out UNDER our bed quite a bit.
Worried about my kitty.
Hey Priscilla,
Sorry to hear about your cat. When I first read your post it sounded like a stroke to me. I had a little mini pin that had a stroke not fun. I held her head still while the vet put her down. I love and miss Otis to this very day. It is never easy to watch a love one get sick and pass away.
Hang in there my friend.
They shined light in her eyes and got normal response so we don't think it's a stroke. I am so sorry for your loss. If we have to put her down we may never own a pet again. 🙁
Hey Priscilla,
I always thought I would get another dog but I don't think I will because it is to painful. Never fear I have a 25LBS gray cat and he is a load of love….LOL!!!
I think you will get another pet of some kind for your kids. It's a good way to teach them about the cycle of life.
Take care my friend.
I am sorry… I have had over 10 cats and will say that each time I lose one I am totally devestated, but they give so much love and I love them so much that I feel it is worth going through the pain to enjoy all the love and everything they add to my life. Same way with our dogs. To a certain extent I feel it also with all our farm animals.
Just love her and know that she would want you to love her so much that you wanted to love another kitty after her…
It is hard.
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