I have read several blog posts, tweets, and status updates where a woman complains about her husband for one reason or another. This makes me a little sad.
My husband is human. He has his quirks. Yes, sometimes he anoBut….
He’s my husband. The father’s of my children. I chose to spend my life with him.
I rarely read a post, tweet or update where someone PRAISES or commends her spouse. Thanks him.
Yes, it is frustrating when he doesn’t take out the trash or forget a special day.
I would like to see more posts where women tells us all the wonderful things her husband DOES do.
That’s what I am going to do now.
My husband takes our oldest to school EVERY morning. (unless he’s sick, then I do.)
My husband brings me coffee in bed if he has time and before school started he did it every day.
My husband makes sure I have gas in my van. (most of the time 😀 ) He knows it’s ridiculous for me to get my chair out to get gas and that I hate calling the store clerks to pump for me.
My husband goes to the kids first, 99% of the time, in the middle of the night (even when they are babies and want me so they can nurse). It’s faster for him to run in there then it is for me to transfer into my chair. We all get back to sleep faster that way. This is my NUMBER ONE THING I am so so so grateful for in ways he can never grasp.
My husband goes to work every day, makes a decent living and allows me to stay home and raise our boys.
My husband does SO much for our boys and me and I am sure every one of my readers can say at LEAST one things they are grateful for in regards to their husband. (or wife).
So??? Do not tell me what your husband does that makes you crazy. That gets old. What does he do that makes you so incredibly happy to be his bride?
Leave a comment with a link to a POST where you PRAISE the person you vowed to love for the rest of your life.
Such a lovely & very touching post. I couldn’t agree more – it’s very frustrating seeing social media updates where someone is criticizing their partner. I believe that if someone is frustrated enough to type it out, that they could better use that energy to try & resolve the issue, as opposed to sharing it immaturely with some slice of the internet who they don’t really know. It’s also incredibly impersonal. I’d be mortified if I discovered my boyfriend was saying anything negative to his friends even, instead of addressing a problem with me. Anyway, I’m ranting here, hehe! Well I’m not married so don’t have a link to share about a husband, but I do love my boyfriend & would never share anything inappropriate about him!
Nicky´s last blog post ..Boxed In
@Nicky, Very true. I rarely post the negative things in my life because these are my memories. When my kids get big I don’t want to remember the tantrums or the time my husband forgot this or that. I want to remember all the amazing things. 🙂
You are correct that we complain more than praise. I’m certainly guilty of it. Thanks for the reminder.
Elizabeth´s last blog post ..Words are power
@Elizabeth, You’re welcome 😀
What a sweet post and your hubby is such a cutie! Those women who can only criticize their guys need to find some of the widow blogs out there. I only have to read what these women are going through and any urge to criticize vanishes. My b/f and I make each other equally crazy and I love that he and I can communicate so well about what bothers us. He is supportive of me and never worrying about how my decisions will impact him, only ever about how it benefits me. And, my kids and family adore him. And, his baby blues are to die for 😀
Christine´s last blog post ..Greek Muumuu and My Styx Tee
@Christine, Thank you :). You are so right. I’ve read a couple of the widow/widower blogs and it makes me want to go insane. I can’t imagine their pain.
So so true. In fact, next week I’m writing the completion to our meeting story and our wedding story because our anniversary is in a week. I’m so lucky to have a husband that loves me despite of my chronic illness and helps take care of me and the kids. Especially since I’ve been sick lately. He’s my favorite 🙂
@Sara, I can’t wait to read it!! Please make sure you come back and let me know!!
So so true. I’m actually about to write a post next week for our anniversary. I’m so lucky to have a man that loves me despite me having a chronic illness. He’s been such a huge help by taking care of me and the boys since I’ve been so sick lately. *sigh* he’s my bff.
Sara´s last blog post ..Hola- España!
It is so true, “great dads” and partners are often unsung heroes.
David is my grounding rod, he keeps me in check and there is nothing he won’t do for me or one of the children and now my elderly uncle who we brought in. He is selfless and all around awesome. Thanks for the reminder Priscilla!
@Lori Page Lotspeich, I couldn’t agree more. Your uncle has been there a couple of years now, right?
I’m tired of people complaining about their husbands too. I try to praise mine as well since he is a HUGE help despite how hard he works, etc. And he lets me go out for Moms nights every time I ask.
Good for you for posting this and letting everyone know how you feel about the awesome husband/dad in your life! 😀
@Elaine, Thank you 🙂
I am so glad to see someone post postivie things about their spouse. As a single person, who has seen many examples of “bad marriages” (while I know I have no authoritiy to speak, but I still can obeserve, LOL) I think on of the biggest issue in many marriages is “under”-appreciation and nagging….well this can actually be applied to any relationshp with in a family siblings, parent/child etc. I have this rule…I will not post negative things on my facebook or tweets about my family or friends. I almost never post negative anything. Sometimes negative creeps in my blog, but I am not Pollyanna…my parents as much as I love them drive me nuts. I felt God directing me to be more real in my blog, to share that I struggled with my relationship wiht my parents (I live with them) but that God is enough even THEN/NOW, LOL. So when I am “negavtive” it is to form a contrast on how God has taught me something. I am so glad to see that women really do appreciate their spouses and in todays world with divorce so common…they are working to maintain that “being in love” relationship…not just two people co-existing in a common space with a marriage certificate.
@LaDonna Rae, Please have faith that not all women and men just co-exist. If so that would be terribly sad. I hope you someday find wonderful love that you can cherish forever (assuming that you want too, of course)
I love this post! 99% of the time I have nothing but positive stuff to say about my husband. I am so lucky to have such an amazing guy.
Jayme´s last blog post ..Wait- what
@Jayme, That is awesome, Jayme!! 🙂
My husband works REALLY hard for the money we have so that I don’t have to go outside the house to work. I know we’d be better off if I did, but I’d only make minimum wage and I’d have to get after-school care for my girls so it’s not really worth it. I am blessed to be married to such a hard worker!
I had this same exact thought a few weeks ago. We were in bed about to fall asleep and I said, “Thanks for doing all the “husbandly” things you do, like the finances, the yard work, and taking out the garbage.” Even though I could do all these things myself, I don’t have to. You know what he said? “After eight years of marriage, you’ve never told me that.” Wow, what a lesson.
elizabeth´s last blog post ..Seemed like a chocolate-cake-for-lunch type of day
Yes! I HATE to see women trashing their husbands for the most trivial grievances. My husband’s not perfect, but he’s perfect for me. I actually write about him a lot. Er, I did before I started slacking in the blog department. Here’s my favorite–
And here’s one where he takes a little ribbing … but it was all in good fun! (And I let him clear it before it was posted. See, I’m CONSIDERATE.) 🙂
Sara´s last blog post ..Sunday Night Art Show