In the last 3 years I have opened my mail, and TWICE there has been an email from EXTREME MAKEOVER Home edition. Each time my heart skipped a beat.
I would NEVER accept an offer to make over my home. It’s fine as it is (and what’s not requires a few easy, though be it time consuming fixes) and there are countless other people out there that don’t come close to functioning in their home. That being said, it is still super exciting to see an email from them.
The first time was about 3 years ago. I can’t remember the person that contacted me, but she was looking for crib ideas for someone in a chair. I gave her a few ideas. I can’t remember what they ended up doing or if I ever got around to watching the episode. Bad me.
The second time was on Monday. I was asked if I would like to preview an episode that is scheduled to air on October 9th.
I said yes.
Last night, after we got the kids to bed, Charlie and I sat on the couch and really watched “A’s” story. This was one of the most emotional episodes I think I’ve ever watched. I won’t say why. You will have to watch. Just know that this little girl is a hero. She is an example of what more people should aspire to be. She’s a little girl, something really bad happened to her but yet her attitude is golden.
People like her don’t need my blog. She’s already figured out that life goes on, even if it was “the good leg”. She knows that you can be happy if you focus on being happy and not on what happened to you.
I can only wish that more ADULTS that experience something life changing can realize this as quickly as “A” did.
I encourage you to tune into your local ABC channel on Sunday and watch. Your heart will be touched. I promise.
The opinions in this post are MINE and mine alone. I was NOT compensated for writing this, other than an early preview provided by Different Drummer.
Is it on this weekend? I love that show, it rips my heart out every single weekend. I watch on Saturdays on TV Land too sometimes. The guy drives my hubby a little bonkers, but I make him watch with me anyways. Always such a deserving family and such an inspiring story week after week. I can see why they continue to contact you, as you do truly inspire me!
Whitney´s last blog post ..Sprig Toys – Dolphin Explorer Boat (A Review)
Yup. It’s this Sunday 🙂
I forgot how much I used to love that show….when I watched something other than Disney channel. 🙂
Amanda´s last blog post ..5 days of awesome or nothing or everything
DVR is my friend 🙂
I missed it this week, argh! I bet I can find it online somewhere…. Thanks for the heads up about this show, I need to get it back into the DVR queue so I don’t forget about it.
Great perspective and outlook indeed…
Mandi @ Smile and Mama With Me´s last blog post ..Music Monday – Fall Break
I don’t have cable. 🙁 I only get to watch the show when I’m at someone else house and they have it on. I remember though the times I have balled watching it.