My baby is 3 today. I can not believe it; time really does fly when you are having fun. We have had a blast the last 3 years. Well, we’ve had a blast the last 6.5 years but it’s been even more awesome having TWO kids and seeing them interact on a daily basis. The good days and the bad :).
Well here was Lucas when he was born.
Here was Lucas his first year.
Lucas his third year. (this was taken Wednesday after playing with Grandma’s makeup, encouraged by Grandma!)
Would you like to know a little bit about him? Well, he’s not talking much yet, unless you count this last week. He only talks to tell me what he does or doesn’t want. He sleeps in a BIG BOY bed, in a room that he shares with his brother. They’ve been sharing since Lucas was 3 months old and it’s still going great. He loves to watch Toy Story, Mickey Mouse, Special Agent Oso and Scooby Doo. He prefers all of his brother’s toys and really wants to ride a bike or jump on the pogo stick; neither of which he can do. He’s tried a couple of times but can’t make the pedals go. He took private swim lessons off and on for about 10 months and is now very comfortable in the water but NOT swimming. We plan to fix that this fall with regular lessons. What else? He loves to SIT on the potty but has NOT used it. Yet.
In conclusion? He thinks that Nathan is in HIS belly. Not mine. I think he is looking forward to a baby, but he’s 3, so who really knows?
How fast time goes by. Can you believe it, 3 years…..I can see that yall are happy
Kim @ stuff could….´s last blog post ..Geese Family Adventure with 4 Babies
@Kim @ stuff could…., we ar very happy and time really does fly. It’s kinda sad, really!!
Happy Birthday Lucas! Love the pictures.
Alison@Mama Wants This´s last blog post ..How @Twitter has RuinedMyLife
@Alison@Mama Wants This, Thank you 🙂 It was a fun day.
Hilarous that he thinks Nathan is in your belly! Happy Mamaversary!
@Nicole, his belly? yes. very funny, hehe
Happy Birthday, Lucas! Enjoy the day 🙂
@Kimberly, I think he did 😉