We all struggle.
Some of us everyday.
A few of us, sometimes.
There are people like me that have something that gives our struggle away, but remember looks can be deceiving. My chair isn’t really a struggle for me, but it might be for the 8 year old boy I saw at the store last week.
There are people like your neighbor that seem perfectly happy but you eventually learn she suffers from CFS or he has sleep apnea and barely functions at work.
No matter how big or small, we all struggle.
I want to invite my readers to share with me and everyone else what they are struggling with.
Did your child get the “wrong” teacher? Did your wife spend too much on clothes and now the budget is blown? Did you lose a loved one or learn a long forgotten classmate has cancer?
Every Friday night i will post and leave a place for you to share if you so choose.
I struggle with getting over my bad past experiences with my family… they haunt me everyday. Also with living overseas….my guilt and homesickness being so far away and being torn with my guilt of hating my husbands hometown/country. blargh! but my struggles seem insignificant compared to others….
rach´s last blog post ..I’ll be waiting oh so impatiently…
That’s a very real and scary struggle. It’s not insignificant at all. (hugs)
That’s a very real, very scary struggle. It’s not insignificant at all. ((HUG))
I struggle sometimes with dealing with my sons’ autism. There are so many days I don’t want to deal with it any more, but I have no choice. You’re so right that everyone has struggles…some obvious…some you would never know.
I can’t imagine how difficult autism can be. . . when my kids lash out or struggle with something I think about all my mom friends that deal with it many times a day because of autism. It makes me step back and realize things could always be more difficult. ((BIG HUGS))
Beautiful post Priscilla….
I have to admit I struggle daily with wondering if I am a good enough wife. No matter how much I do I never feel as if it’s enough and I feel there is always something more I can do. I don’t allow myself downtime or me time because I feel I owe it to my family to stay busy and keep doing things for them….
April, you know I love you girl (and miss you!!). You are such a wonderful person and I know your family appreciates you. You totally need a break. …. I have an idea …. girls weekend …. soon!!! ?? 🙂
I know that you know all about what I struggle with. I wonder if I’ll be able to walk again, if whether my PTSD is somehow making the pain worse, how badly this entire experience has scarred my daughter, you name it, I struggle with it.
I struggle with letting go and letting God.
Shari@Rain into Rainbows´s last blog post ..My Week on Pinterest
Hugs. I am sure you haven’t scared your little girl :). She has a mommy that loves her. . . I forget I’m in a chair sometimes and I am sure the kids do too 🙂 Including yours 🙂
We are always harder on ourselves.
I have sleep apnea but it’s not much of a struggle for me, thank God, because it only comes periodically – like when I’m stressed about something for days. My real struggle is this condition of mine that is close to paranoia. I always think something bad is gonna happen to the people around me. It just downright drains my energy most of the times.
Millie Marwick´s last blog post ..angry birds microsoft
I’m soory. I can imagine it would be horrible not to shake that feeling:(