I am sure most of you do not know this. I’m usually a scrapper. Right now I am not. I go through these funky phases where I just FLAT OUT do not want to. It may be a week or a month or even 6 plus months and BAM! I want to scrap again. As I said earlier, I’m currently in the NOT. However, I wanted to start sharing some of my past work. I love so many of my pages and there is no reason you shouldn’t see them too.
Every Sunday I will share a few with you so enjoy. I am sure I will get “Back in” soon and start sharing “new” stuff with you as well.
The first LO I want to share is William’s FIRST Haircut. You’ll know why I picked this one tomorrow tomorrow. *wink*
BE WARNED: this is was one of my super early works. It looks terrible, IMO. I think I did that one way back when we did it. 2006? NOT very well done. AT ALL. I have NO CLUE who to give credit to for the kit.
This is a better representation of recent work (last 1-3 years). These are my nieces. The oldest 2 are twins and the little one is their little sister. This picture is about 8 years old. The twins will be 16 this summer. Scary stuff.
Kit by Shawna Clingerman at Sweet SHoppe and Jennifer Fox.
There you have it. Two scrap pages. One old and one new. If you want to see a few more I believe there are SOME. NOT many. Look under DigiScrap category (either in this post or in my footer)
I love scrapbooking but haven’t been able to do it very much lately. I do the old fashioned kind on paper though. It’s usually an excuse to get together with my best friend for a dinner of fajitas, drinks, and GNO at her house scrapbooking to the wee hours of the night.
Elizabeth´s last blog post ..Words are power
Looks beautiful to me!