Since we’ve been together my husband has never traveled for work. Ever. He went to Barcelona before we met but that’s it. This week he will be NYC.
Tuesday-Saturday. He left before the first light of day.
I’m conflicted. I knew he needs to do this. I know he wants to do this. I know he deserves the break that it will provide. (3 kids overwhelms him sometimes).
I never wanted him to travel but at a certain point in one’s career it can no longer be avoided. I’m grateful he’s at that “point” but still scared for this new routine.
My mom is here, but that’s not quite the same.
Do you travel often for work? Does your spouse?
On a happy note…Nathan is 3 months old today. Oh. Wait. That’s not a happy note. That’s another SAD note. This is going WAY too fast.
I have had to do a bit of traveling for work, sometimes just there and back in a day (which does make for a very long day for me) and others I’ve been gone for as much as 2 weeks only to return home for the weekend in the middle (ive had to do that twice and did them both over a 6 week period) and it is definitely hard for both of us when i have to leave like that. I think what makes it harder was when we were dating, it was long distance for the better part of 5 years, and we thought once we were together and married that would be the end of the long distance thing. Working with the airline though, i am sometimes needed for more training in another city and she understands that and accepts it. I definitely think it would be different with kids in the picture which are going to be the next step for us im pretty sure 🙂
It wasn’t so bad, afterall. My mom was here so that mad it MUCH easier, since I got sick. HA!
I guess we will see how it is if I’m ever alone… but my mom looks for any excuse to visit so that may not happen for a while.
It wasnt a couple days after i posted this response that i learned of my next trip coming up soon…another 2 weeks in Chicago in early November…
Glad to hear your time wasn’t so bad, the sick part doesn’t sound like much fun though.
Luckily no one here travels much. DH has been away from us 3 nights total over the past 5 years. Hate it when he’s gone. So glad your mom is there with you though. And remember…absence makes the heart grow fonder! 🙂
Whitney´s last blog post ..Daily Time with HIM…Inspired to Action
You are right. Absence does make the heart grow fonder 😉
It was the part of the job I hated the most. Being away from the family is the worst. No matter how exciting the city, not being able to share it with the family makes it tough. I am fortunate now that I only have to be away once a year and this last time was able to arrange Kathy to come with me. Much better.
I would tell you from the “guys” point of view, he is missing his family every minute and everything he sees he wishes he could share with all of you.
Refdaddy´s last blog post ..I am going to be a Grandpa
Thanks for saying that last part. I needed to hear it 🙂
whooooaaa.. happy that I am fortunate now that I only have to be away once a year and this last time was able to arrange My sister to come with me. Much better.
Chloe´s last blog post ..Chalet Luxury
Yay for less travel 🙂
My husband works away from us, he works in middle east because he wants to provide better life for us. I considering him a traveler since he has only a month vacation yearly. It’s really hard on my part because I truly miss him.
Berna´s last blog post ..How To Conceive Quickly
That has to be REALLY difficult. I’m sorry.
I know It’s not easy. I’m not traveling but I know this situation. if it’s not so often, maybe you can handle this. when it’s too often it is hard…. good luck love!
katie´s last blog post ..glock
I don’t think it will be but 1-2 times a year. Not too bad.
J used to travel a lot! A. Lot. I think most people’s advice is to stick to your routine…..I do the opposite. We eat out, go the beach after school, have breakfast for dinner and camp in the living room. I cut myself a lot of slack on housework and generally make it a break for me as well.
I “routine” was shot. I got sick. Grandparents were here. HAh.
That’s why I always told my husband that he has to look for a job with less travels or no travels at all, because we are not used to a situation that he has to stay away from us for work. =)
Gracelyn´s last blog post ..Unable To Get Pregnant