I also found out from my day nurse that my doctor had to fuss/raise his voice at the social worker. She was insisitent that I had no business breastfedding my baby and blah blah blah , all those drugs she’s on … etc, etc, etc. (Which I never heard about directly)
Well he overheard her and according to my nurse he told her what I did was non of her concern, I was under HIS care, if he felt it was safe and I was comfortable with the side effects that it was NO ONE else’s business.
This all came to be one afternoon when lunch came just as I needed to head down for a CT. The transport guys gave me about 5 minutes to scarf my food but I didn’t finish feeding the baby. He was fine, I would only be gone 30 minutes. Maybe loner. He was crying and wanted me. He wasn’t REALLY hungry. HE just wanted to snuggle more. SO I guess social services some how got wind that he was crying and they assumed that I was starving him by going off for tests and that HE Must take the formula. They also assumed it was “draining me”.
When I got back, in comes the social worker, she said please don’t be mad but we brought this (formula). I told her I didn’t have a problem with him taking it but he was not going to take it. We’ve tried countless times.
Well she thought maybe he’d take it because it was forumalted for fussy, sensitive babies. My baby is not fussy and does not have a sensitive stomach. The opposite in fact. I eat just about whatever I want to and he never complains.
I assume she’s not very “experience” smart and only book smart because she was clearly lost as to why he didn’t want a bottle and why we were sure a different kind would not work. I can only assume she has no children of her own.
The thing is if it’s NOT my nipple he won’t even let it in his mouth. If we use a sippy cup it pours tight out of his mouth with a “what did you do to me” look on his face.
Oh, well. She meant well by bringing it. SHe crossed the line if the doctor felt the need to raise his voice to her.
Oh Priscilla, Logan was the same way. I tried a couple times to leave him with bottles pumped and he was not trying to hear it. I it’s not momma’s nipple, forget it! These babies are smart and know what they want, best for inexperienced people to just let them be. I for one am shocked that someone would question what the doctor said was fine! I admire you for not giving in and giving up on the breastfeeding through this whole crazy ordeal!! You are the staple of strength and the best momma ever!!!
Your stories about the hospital and your care are unreal! You’re a better woman than me! I would have slapped a few nurses and demand a transfer to another facility.
Hope they shape up!
Life As Wife´s last blog post ..When Will It End?
I used to pump when my son was younger because he bit me and it hurt too much to nurse every feeding. This way I could also sleep the occasional four hours straight while my husband gave my son a bottle.
Once the biting stopped and he slept longer, I stopped pumping. Then when we wanted a sitter to feed my son some pumped milk he refused to take it – no longer used to a bottle.
He also didn’t like sippy cups. We went straight to a straw around 8 months and he loved it.
My guess is solids would work better than formula.
And the social worker.. her behavior is almost laughable.
Kelly K @ Dances with Chaos´s last blog post ..Blame It on the Squirrel… and My 400th Post
OH MAN, if it were me in your place, I totally would have been in her face!! I have a hard time with NURSES being uneducated about breastfeeding. Nursed the three younger boys till…. I don’t want to even say. Oldest ran into troubles when he was jaundice and me not knowing where to turn for help. Number two was the better baby at taking a bottle but it had to be on his terms and then he eventually vetoed those. But he would take breastmilk from a sippy cup but again it was on his terms. Other two bottles FORGET IT! I was able to leave them for longer periods of time once they were on solids. Stay strong.
I love the information and comments about this topic. It is a shame more people don’t embarrass the parts that are right regarding this topic. I will be back to see how this conversation string progresses.
nicktiali´s last blog post ..Weight Loss Meal Plans