We’ve been talking about possibly getting a pool for a while now. We’d prefer to pay cash so we keep putting it off, and if not actually pay for it with cash have the cash in the bank.
We want to add a hot tub which means we have to add a heater, etc, etc.
This adds up to quite a bit.
On more than one occasion, the boys asked why not or when, so forth and so on. Kids like to ask questions. LOTs of questions. Sometimes they just overhear us talking and that leads to MANY more questions.
I guess at one point we either said or told them “we don’t have the money in our pockets right now” or “we’d like to have the money in our pockets first”.
Anyways, we got up this morning and a postcard that I kept from a local pool company resurfaced, so I was using it as a coaster. Lucas looked at it excitedly and told me HE HAD MONEY IN HIS POCKET and money in his piggy bank he could put in his pocket so we could go ahead and get the pool.
How funny? It really never ceases to amaze me just how bright kids are and how much they understand.
Now, of course, I had to explain that we needed quite a bit more money than he had but I just LOVE when kids start to put everything together and they realize that things cost money. I especially love when they offer to pay for things that they want. Not that we’d ever ask them to help pay for the pool……
I just wanted you to know that I’ll be pinning it on my pinterest… Great job!
Jenkins´s last blog post ..Vision without glasses