I can’t believe how quickly June has come and gone. The summer months always seem to fly so quickly. I thought things might be different now that we homeschool but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
We’ve been quite busy and I couldn’t imagine trying to blog everyday, like I did in May. (Thanks, Jenni!)
We adopted kittens early last week.
This past weekend we helped my niece, her sweet new baby and her fiancé get settled. It was like déjà vu. We did the same thing earlier in June with her twin sister, but minus the baby.
Isn’t my great-niece the sweetest?
This month will quite eventful. the boys have two iFly sessions, we have some minor medical stuff coming up (I promise to tell you ALL about it.), Will has ANOTHER TaeKwonDo camp and I may be attending an Abilities Expo with an Organization I’ll be introducing to you later this week.
What’s an Abilities Expo, you ask? A place with all sorts of gadgets for people in wheelchairs or in need of other additive devices.
Why would I go to one of those? Well, if your new here and hadn’t noticed, I’m in a wheelchair. You can read why here and I’ll answer all the questions your dying to ask here. WARNING: I’m quite the smarty pants with my answers.
I should also probably make my final decisions on curriculum for the 2013-14 school year. I know what we are doing for Will, that’s a given. I’m still struggling with the perfect choice for Lucas.
I’m ecstatic that this will be a short week for my husband. The kids are super busy and I’m far too tired to keep up anymore.
P.S. PLEASE tell me your secret solution for removing red dye (from a towel) from clothes????!!!! Someone tossed a red towel (never washed) into our everyday clothes load and two graphic Ts and 4 pairs of khakis are streaked pink. **cry**
I can’t wait to hear about your time at the Abilities Expo (if you go). I really like going to them.
Sarah´s last blog post ..Evolution Of A Blog