How does a paraplegic / person in a wheelchair use a crib?
Hi Priscilla,
I just found your blog today and I love it! I’m in a wheelchair myself and am almost 3 months into my mommy journey. Things have been a challenge so far, to say the least and I think your blog will be quite the encouragement for me. I was wondering how you handle the crib situation. My brother-in-law was going to modify one for us, but I’m not sure he’s going to be able to get it done and I saw on your blog that you have a regular crib. How do you work with that?
I have a regualr drop side crib. Unfortunately they don’t make them anymore but I have found that I can still use it side all the way up with no issues. I have an extremely low injury (L1,2) so have complete uppder body strength.
I sit slightly angled to the crib, almost parallel and lean ON the crib to get baby in/out. It’s the same process I use to get baby in/out of the car.
The crib mattress raises/lowers so when baby is super tiny and not really moving and on hands/knees it’s in the highest position making the process easier. 🙂
I’m a C6/7 complete and had a co-sleeper (bassinet attached to the bed) for the first 3 months. It only had a two inch lip though my husband was the one who picked him up any way. After 3 months we put him in a crib and did not have it adapted. I did look into it but I had a nanny so she put him down and got him up. When he was able to pull himself up, around 8 months, I was able to lower the side and pull him up over the side similar to how Priscilla describes. Here’s a link to a website that shows an adapted crib.
I’m also a paraplegic with L1/2 injury and have 2 kiddos. We bought a regular crib and my husband took the front panel and cut it in half, to make it open like 2 doors. He then put a lock that opens with an Allen wrench key so that the little ones couldn’t open it. My oldest is 7 now and the crib is still working great for my youngest one for all of these years.
Hi Priscilla! I am a C5/C6 complete and also plan to use a bassinet for a few months. I am also having a crib built with high sides and two doors swing open much like Teri did. I don’t really like having such high sides, but when I was little I apparently liked to jump out. I haven’t worked out how I want the latch to work, but I still have a little time.
Love both of your websites! Keep on rollin’.
Thanks Jacqui!!
I have a friend who has a crib with doors on it. She was given this crib so I am not sure where one would go to buy it, but this website provides some help as well!
Perfect for kids having age more than 2 or 3 years. Crib always very good for kids.