I hit a great big ugly wall last week.
I wanted to give up.
I screamed.
I yelled.
I said mean things.
I had to quit.
The week started off like any other week. We did our lessons and Monday and Tuesday went well.
Wednesday rolled around and I decided I’d take advantage of the free day our local state history museum. We had a lovely day and enjoyed yummy food in the cafe on site. Who knew museums had good food?!
Much to Will’s amazement, that was all we did for school that day. He couldn’t believe something so fun was really going to count as “school”.
The next day was the day I almost called it quits. I came SO CLOSE to getting in the car and enrolling him at the local elementary school.
He’s SUCH a smart boy and he’s REALLY very good at math, but ONLY when he does it HIS way. His way usually works but when it doesn’t he gets mad and angry and throws a fit and refuses to shut up long enough for me to explain another way he can do it.
As I write this I realize where he gets that trait.
Oh. My.
I did appologize to him for my outburst when he wouldn’t listen, and decided we would take the rest of the day and Friday OFF.
We needed a break.
We still haven’t taken Spring Break and I think the season changes are definitely starting to get to us.
We started back up on Monday and once again math took FOREVER.
I guess I should explain that we are 1/3 of the way through of our SECOND year in math. We completed all of 2nd grade and our making our way through 3rd now.
He would be in 2nd grade if he were going to public school, so it’s not as if we are behind.
I just keep reminding myself that THIS is why we are homeschooling. THIS is why we NEED to homeschool.
Not so we can do our work “by the book” but so we can do things our own way, a way that works for us. It’s obviously not that he’s STRUGGLING, because he’s not. He just wants to do it a different way.
It’s not always easy to wrap my head around that, but it is why I love to homeschool and why I will NEVER give up. I will never put him back in a public school.
I’m sure this isn’t the last time I’ll have these doubts, but for now I’m eager to wrap up our year, bumps or no bumps.
What math programs do you use!? Do you love it? Hate it? What about your child?!
Kristin Shaw (Two Cannoli) says
I have so much admiration for you just for the effort! You are doing great and they will benefit – they are already benefiting from it. I have a friend in Indiana who homeschools all EIGHT of her children. Blows me away.
Good job, mama!
Kristin Shaw (Two Cannoli)´s last blog post ..Kindergartners unmasked
Priscilla says
Thank you Kristin and CONGRATS on LTYM.
Maria says
I love reading your posts! I plan on homeschooling my son when he’s older. I love teaching him things. I’m handicap, too and your posts are always interesting and encouraging to me. They give me hope that I can do this. 🙂
Maria´s last blog post ..The Struggles of Being Handicap
Wheelchair Vehicle Dealers says
I really admire your enthusiasm and high spirits. You inspire handicapped people to look at life in a different angle. I really enjoyed reading your articles and admire your hopeful insight in life. Hope you’ll keep sharing your thoughts and stories. God bless
Wheelchair Vehicle Dealers´s last blog post ..Schools Opening Up Sports to Kids with Disabilities